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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

Spring has sprung! Use these fitness hacks to get the body you’ve always wanted without the effort you’ve never been able to muster. 

1. Walk up the stairs.

Pretend the elevator is made of lava!

2. Don’t go to Tom’s.

3. Don’t put alcohol in your calorie counter.

It’s a spring diet, not the Hunger Games. If you actually count every alcohol calorie, you’ll end up subsisting on a weekly diet of a Hewitt salmon filet and a glass of mint water.

4. Lift your school tote up and down in the Sweetgreen line.

5. Buy all your textbooks in hardback.

6. Never set an alarm so you have to run to every class.

7. Take all your classes on the 7th floor of Hamilton.

8. Have many bad exes so you always have to cross the street when you see them.

9. Go into Riverside late at night when you feel unsafe. 

Just kidding, please don’t do that.

10. If you’re CC or SEAS, do your P.E. requirement

Ain’t no fitness hack like a Columbia P.E. requirement cause a Columbia P.E. requirement is MANDATORY!!!

**Disclaimer: This article is a personal piece and does not reflect the views of Her Campus Media.