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Fitness Hacks: Why Not to be Scared of Weights!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

Here we go again. You are straight up #killin it in the gym, you’ve got your routine down to perfection, but you just aren’t feeling it anymore. It’s time to switch up, and kick your booty into overdrive. So, what are your options? Hmm, there’s SoulCycle, BarreBurn, Flywheel, etc., but let’s be real, we are on a budget and I’m sure you’d much rather spend that $35 a class getting your nails done so that you can look super cute taking notes to that hot guy in class… or is that just me?

So, you’re like, hey let’s try something new, but where to start…hmm this is a dilemma! But wait! Lifting weights! I know, I know, this sounds like you’re going to turn into the incredible Hulk if you dare to touch a dumbbell. I promise (from one #basicbetch to another) that your muscles will not balloon up turning you into a superhero, but you lifting might help you find your own superhero ;)

Basically, weight training is awesome. When done correctly, you are burning oodles of calories for hours after your workout. You’re doing your body good and replacing fat with skeletal muscle, which happens to weigh less. Also, who doesn’t want that **FLAWLESS** toned look. So, get to it ladies, pick up some weights and watch your body transform!


Here’s a great *fun* routine: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/fawnia1.htm

And instructions to make sure you have correct form (this is V IMPORTANT): http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/

Image via justpolly.com

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Lilli Balik

Columbia Barnard

As a kid, I was constantly around body builders and fitness models, something brought on by my parents. I was born and raised in the fitness industry in beautiful Southern California, and I was picking up dumbbells and drinking protein shakes before I can remember. But, college brings its own set of fitness challenges, and I'm here to help you navigate through them!