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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

During midterms, it’s so easy to get wrapped up in studying that you get incredibly stressed and sometimes forget to perform basic functions, such as staying hydrated! That’s why I present my ultimate guide to the best herbal teas, which have so many benefits that you can read about it in articles like this one. All you need is hot water and a mug, and you’ve got a lovely hot drink that will keep your head level and your hydration on track for your best academic performance yet!


Although not a top favorite of mine, ginger tea and its little bits of spice are great for the beginning of your study session, when you want to preserve your energy but still get fired up. I’d say it’s the best type of non-caffeinated tea for when you need a little mood or motivation boost. Ginger tea is quite strong compared to other teas, so I would suggest not steeping it for the full recommended amount of time at first. I recommend easing into it with slightly longer steeping periods each time. 


To begin, chamomile is an excellent tea for  a variety of situations. You can easily find it at the grocery store and it functions as an everyday calming solution and a substitute for cold-care teas. Chamomile has a very distinct taste and it has a sort of clean vibe, if that makes sense. Also, adding some honey makes it even better!


Also called “red tea” rooibos has a kick to it that gives me a little jolt, even though it’s not caffeinated. I usually don’t steep it for too long because it can be a bit overpowering for me, but it all comes down to individual preference. The best rooibos teas, in my experience, have been loose-leaf and are usually sold at tea, spice, and health food stores. However, you can now find rooibos at most grocery stores these days.


Another classic that I consume in extremely large amounts during the holiday season (and the rest of the year) is peppermint tea. It’s incredibly addicting and is delicious without any additives, although some honey can be nice if you’re in the mood. Honestly, you can never go wrong with peppermint tea!


No, I’m not talking about the infamous former Hawaii congresswoman and presidential candidate! The tulsi root makes an excellent tea that has insane calming powers and is my favorite to drink within a few hours before bed. The brand Organic India makes several varieties of tulsi tea, but my favorites are the original, Sweet Rose, and Ashwagandha. Look for this brand and others in the tea section as it gains more popularity!


To cap it off with my personal favorite, hibiscus tea is the ultimate all-arounder. The hibiscus flower has a perfect neutral flavor and the Republic of Tea makes excellent blueberry and strawberry hibiscus teas that I’m addicted to. It gives you the illusion of sweetness with no added sugar, and I would recommend drinking this one when you need a mood booster.

These are my top herbal tea varieties, but everyone has their own distinct taste that often takes years to cultivate. Go buy a sampler box and see what you like! Then, boil some water next time you’ve got a big assignment due and witness the magic of herbal tea!

Stella Tallmon

Columbia Barnard '24

Hello everyone! I'm a sophomore political science major at Barnard from Juneau, Alaska, and I intend to study law and comparative politics. I also love swimming, hiking, comedies, and herbal tea!