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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colgate chapter.

With midterms, big assignments, and homework all piling up, it can become overwhelming just thinking about how much we all have to do while also trying to take care of ourselves. Here are some de-stressing activities that are a good way to break up those busier days.

Try a new workout or a workout class

Exercise is a great way to de-stress and take your mind off of whatever is stressing you out. Getting your body moving and your heart rate up has proven to be beneficial for your brain too. Make sure you have fun with your workout and try something new! I highly recommend dance cardio, which is just plain-old fun. YouTube is a great place to find tons of great workout videos and dance cardio videos!

go on a walk

If you’re not one for sweating it all out during an intense workout, then a walk is another great way to de-stress. Getting outside in nature is a very easy and an impactful way to calm your nervous system down. I recommend listening to some chill music while you walk and to try out the cross country trails up the hill past Frank. Just remember to bundle… it’s getting cold!

Go to town with friends

There’s not always time in a busy schedule to get out of Hamilton, so just getting off campus and going to town is a nice way to disconnect. Going to town with friends to get food or coffee is a nice way to take a break and enjoy the moment. There’s plenty of options, so you can change it up or stick with your go-to spot!


This one may be the hardest but most effective activity to de-stress. Let’s be honest– social media is stressful. We all need a break, and we rarely give it to ourselves. Even if it’s for 30 minutes, putting down your phone and shutting your laptop relieves some of that immense stress. I recommend trying to read a book that you genuinely enjoy; you’ll be surprised by just how easily you can lose track of time.

have a movie night

The amazing thing about movies is how they temporarily disconnect us from our own lives. Get together with a few friends, or even by yourself, and watch a movie. Make a bag of popcorn and get some cozy blankets–maybe throw in some candy corn and hot chocolate while you’re at it. It’s really easy and will definitely get your mind off of your own stressors.

With these activities in mind, you’re sure to find something that helps you relax. The more we practice self-care, the better we become at managing our stress and remaining in the moment. 

My name is Alisa, and I am a junior at Colgate University majoring in psychology. Career-wise, I am interested in the marketing, advertising, publishing, and journalism industries. Outside of school, I love learning about art history, reading fiction and non-fiction books, and staying active by playing soccer or tennis.