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What’s your Freeman ‘Gym-Type’?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

The Freeman Center, opened in 2000, has been providing students with the amenities to better their bodies through fitness classes, top-notch equipment and some good ole’ fashion athletic competitions. Between coursework, club events and volunteering off campus, making time for the gym has never been an easy feat. Since we know your time is precious, here’s a quick “water break read” on the many different athletes that call the Freeman home. Are you “The Early Bird” or “The Treader”? Maybe both?

The Early Bird

“Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” – Ben Franklin. You identify with Mr. Franklin, and even though you most likely didn’t hit the sack any time before 12 a.m., you know that sacrifice means finishing your day before the rest have begun theirs. Keep on, gym goddess – we all envy your strength.

The Treader

You have two speeds: Fat Burner and Walk. You reluctantly head to the treadmill and start your run, eyeing the world-class sprinter next to you. At some point, you begin to question your life existence and quitting becomes more acceptable. Thankfully, your calories burned keeps climbing and you will yourself to push through to another Buff Chicken Wrap.

The Tag-A-Long

Since first semester, your roommate has been persistent in her efforts to make you her gym buddy. But between course work and campus events, you really don’t have time for that kind of commitment. Be it you were coerced or you willingly accepted the challenge, your next destination = The Freeman. You’ll go, for moral support mostly, but once you go through the turnstile you’ll be hit with motivation that makes you think “I’m coming back tomorrow.” You won’t. At least not without your trusty pal to initiate the ordeal.

The Baller

Fingers crossed the Field House is open, because you are a big deal and the aux gym doesn’t quite capture the essence of your finely polished craft. It’s game time, and you’re about to seek revenge on the intramural champions in a “light” pick-up game.

The Scanner

The dreaded finger scanner; you know for certain you are in the system, but this guy is out to get you. Beep once, twice, three times – “Help!” Thankfully the nice welcome desk attendants are made to handle high-stress situations and summon you through the handicap gate. Embarrassed? No way, it lost its humiliation factor around the 5th time. This is protocol by now.

The Regular

You know the ins and outs of the Freeman Center. You’ve mentally mapped out your workout regime, calculated machine wait times, and even prepared yourself for the Friday 5:30 yoga rush. This is your gym and the only thing stopping you is the fact that you aren’t flame retardant, because you’re on fire.

The Breezer

Just passing through the breezeway, no time for the gym… the Trib Lib awaits you and your 10 page paper. Maybe another day… probably not, but one can dream.

The Protein Shaker

It’s cutting season: time to get sculpted and toned for the summer. However, gains are still important to you and you won’t enter the gym without your shaker. That neat dilly-doodle water bottle is helping you get one step closer to your prime, so brave foward, shake the hell out of that jib-jab thing, and forget the stares and eye rolls. You, my friend, are climbing the ladder to a delicious beach body, and the next stares you’ll recieve will be envious ones.

The Loiterer

A natural social butterfly, you love grazing the fields of gross friends and grunting peers gasping for breath. Go ahead, distract them and accompany them to the water fountain. You haven’t done anything yet, but the second a tour group enters, we know you’ll put on a show.

The Free Weighter

The only machine you’ll even consider is the stud looking back at you in the mirror. Squat it, bench it, whatever. You pick things up and put them down and you do it knowingly with an audience. Thankfully the Treaders love the view, and appreciate your “THIS IS HEAVY AS *&@^!” face.

The Employee

Supervisor, Welcome Desk, Building Attendant, or Fitness, you have a responsibility to serve the Freeman Center patrons and all their workout needs. You do it all for minimum wage and with a smile on your face. Your hard work doesn’t go unobserved, especially when we need the baskets lowered and bleachers put up.

The Captain

Depending on where you fall on the spectrum of Freeman-goers, the important thing is, at some point, you have come to cherish this wonderful facility. Home to Varsity Athletics, Club tournaments, Greek Life and countless campus happenings, whatever brings you to the Freeman, it’s not hard to find yourself immersed among an amazing and good-looking student body. This same student body will support you in your athletic endeavors. 

Tylar McGill, 19, is a freshman at Christopher Newport University, pursuing a degree in Communication Studies and English with a concentration in writing. She has come to appreciate two things in life, coke slurpees, and her home in Virginia Beach. Back at CNU when Tylar is not writing for Her Campus, you can find her on the court with the Lady Captains Volleyball team, or in the library not whispering. She plans to find her place in Public Relations upon graduating, but is currently focused on making it to all of her 8ams.