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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

What an incredible transition that is becoming a woman: welcoming beautiful transformations in body and mind. This past year, I embraced new conversations about the uniqueness of womanhood with women in my life. We live in a culture discrediting a woman’s openness with her femininity – her emotionality, sexuality and mentality – when the opposite would be more giving. I have found that being open fosters refreshing relationships with others, and myself, and gives me the power to say what I want. I have fallen more deeply in love with what it means to take care of myself and embrace this feminine body and mind of mine.

Stand in front of the mirror and compliment yourself.

This isn’t conceitedness. I watched my body change… stronger curvature, wider hips… did I like what was happening? At first, I didn’t because it was different. Now, I stand in front of the mirror and accept my body the way it is, in all the beautiful flaws and lines. It is unique to me, just like yours is unique to you. You are a beautiful reflection.

Take care of yourself.

Feed your mind and body with nourishment. I see more women exercising and eating healthy; the trend is kicking in and I am embracing it. One thing to keep in mind is to wonder, for whom are you doing this for truly? It is wonderful to exercise, but do so for mental and physical clarity. It is pleasing to eat healthy, but mindfully eat food that nourishes mind, body and soul. Be aware of why you are taking care of yourself and listen to your intuition. It will always tell you what you need.

Pleasure yourself.

Porn? No. Pleasure yourself by spending at least 10 minutes each day engulfed in what you love. What makes you, you? What never ceases to make you feel good? Developing a healthy pleasure will build a stronger self-relationship. Then, you can create relationships with those around you based off of happiness and self-love.

When I began to alter the things I was already doing for myself into more mindful practices, I developed a stronger connection to the feminine power inside of me. I am a woman, and I love that.