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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Developed in the 18th century, the vaccine is an important way of preventing diseases that threatened many lives in the past. The only way of keeping them contained was through the high average vaccination rate of the population. Nevertheless, this doesn’t stay in the past. The role of the vaccine has never been so discussed as it is today.

After having gone through several ups and downs throughout its history, the belief in vaccines has been questioned by many people nowadays. This mainly occurs due to the misinformation since a considerable amount of citizens become discouraged with the immunization of old diseases because they believe it is no longer dangerous.

With the growth of fake news during this quarantine, the search for truthful news has become essential and necessary. Therefore, with the help of a specialist, Her Campus created a guide of myths and facts about immunization that everyone needs to know.

*At the end of this article you’ll be able to distinguish what is fact and what is a myth about the main questions of immunization. After all, there’s no better vaccine against fake news than veracious information!

Vaccines created in a short period, such as COVID-19, aren’t reliable


All vaccines are scientifically tested before being approved. “Despite all the speed in manufacturing COVID-19 vaccines, the statistics demonstrate its safety and the huge benefit  they cause”, says biomedical Jimmy Sansao. This was only possible due to the high investment in technological advances, to the support from governments and the pharmaceutical companies as well.

Although they were developed in record time, they went through strict health regulatory entities. Besides, the research that was already underway against the SARS and MERS epidemics significantly contributed to these results. Therefore its fast fabrication should not be a cause for suspicion since it followed each step before it became applicable.


If the vaccine is the virus or the bacteria, depending on the case, there’s no way it’ll work.


Actually, the use of the virus or bacteria itself to create the vaccine exemplifies how the immunization process works. Although there are several types of vaccines, each of them has the main purpose of introducing the microorganism to the human body, thus stimulating the creation of antibodies.This contact allows the individuals to create a better defense against the infection, in a way that does not make them ill and still acquire immunity, sparing those vaccinated against the threats of the disease.

Vaccines can cause autism


All vaccines can cause side effects such as fever, headache, muscle pain, fatigue, among others, depending on the patient, but without a doubt, they are not the cause of autism. This rumor originated from a 1998 study by Andrew Wakefield that allegedly found a link between autism and the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine. The article was soon proven to be wrong, and the author was accused of serious professional misconduct and has been banned from practicing medicine by the General Medical Council in the United Kingdom since 2010.

The false application of the vaccine against COVID-19 really happened


Some cases of false immunization in Brazil were registered and posted on the internet. However, they are occasional cases that should not prevent someone from getting vaccinated.

Even if it was on purpose or carelessness, it is important to always be aware of the details in the syringe. Accompanying the patient at health centers and registering the vaccination processes are ways to prevent more cases like this to happen.

Depending on where the vaccine comes from, it is not so recommended to take it


It is a fact that some vaccines have a higher efficacy rate than others, however, they cannot be compared. Despite having gone through the three phases of testing, the vaccines took different criteria, making it impossible to compare the data. “Whatever the vaccine, if the phases of the test were respected, it can be taken,” says Jimmy. So regardless of the vaccine, it is important that a large amount of the population get immunized so that the virus can gradually stop circulating.

The vaccines are effective against the new variants of coronavirus


It is not possible to say what will be the effect of the immunizers on the new variants since the studies are still preliminary. “But just like the flu vaccine, which we take every year, we will probably have to update the coronavirus vaccines as well,” says the biomedical. Although vaccines that work with the inactivated virus are more advantageous, nothing can be confirmed at the moment.

Vaccines can save lives


Misinformation does end lives, not vaccines. They have been the best way of combating a disease for several years and its effectiveness prevails till today. Besides they have saved and continue to save thousands of lives worldwide. So for a united future, everyone got to believe that.


This article was edited by Nicoly Bastos.

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Marcela Abreu

Casper Libero '24

My name is Marcela and I'm a student at Cásper Líbero. I'm a bookstan, writing lover and fond of history who loves meet new people and their unique adventures.