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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

The year of 2024 has already started, but there’s still time to become the version of yourself that you always dreamed of. By that, I’m not proposing you to create unachievable goals and exaggerated objectives, but changing simple things in your routine that make a long-term difference in your health. 

The next steps will show you habits you can incorporate into your routine and help you understand the benefits of a healthy life. You must remember that these things must be adapted to your life, so don’t feel pressured or try to do it all at once. Start gradually and you’ll see the results sooner. 

1. Drink enough water

If you want your body to work well during the week, stay hydrated! Drinking water provides you with many benefits, like carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells, regulating body temperature, and normalizing blood pressure.

Adults normally drink between 11.5 and 15.5 cups of water daily, but it will depend on how your routine works and how much your body demands. Also, if you’re not used to drinking the amount necessary for your body per day, a solution can be to invest in a cute water bottle that works as a motivation for you to complete your goal every day. 

2. Be physically active and exercise regularly

Julia Giannella, also known as “Ju Mamute”, a brazilian fitness influencer

Do you feel down during your week or without the energy to do simple things? This can be the consequence of a lack of physical exercise. Exercising has a lot of benefits including boosting your energy and self-esteem, reducing stress, improving bone health, and providing you a stronger body. 

But be careful, taking care of your body can’t turn into something boring or that gives you the feeling of obligation to go to the gym every day. Exercising must be fun, so start with some activity that makes you happy and motivated to prioritize yourself more and more.

3. Get a good night’s sleep

Sleeping well helps to keep your body and mind healthy. We all have a “biological clock” responsible for telling our body when it’s time to sleep and wake up, so if you go to bed too late and get up too soon, you’ll probably feel tired and unproductive during the day.

Doctors say that an adult needs at least 7 hours of sleep to stay alert during the day and feel well-rested, so prioritizing the quality of your sleep is really important.

4. Follow a healthy and balanced diet

A healthy diet is one of the most important steps of a healthy life. Have you ever heard about “you are what you eat”? I’ll have to tell you that it’s true! Knowing about the impact that certain kinds of food have on your body you need to take care of it properly. 

Based on a World Health Organization recommendation, a healthy diet must include: eating plenty of vegetables and fruit; limiting intake of sugars, and eating less fat. Changing your diet isn’t something easy and immediate, so start by changing little habits, like eating fresh fruit instead of chocolate after lunch, and teaching your mind to prioritize food that provides more nutrients and vitamins to your body.

5. Pursue a hobby

Cultivating a hobby is as important for your health as drinking water and working out. Your mind speaks with your body all the time, so taking care of your mental health is essential if you want to see the physical results after some time following a healthier routine. Hobbies can reduce stress by lowering your cortisol levels and increasing your dopamine, the hormone responsible for making you feel happy and motivated. 

They also encourage you to take more risks and prioritize your time and choices by allowing you to focus on something that you enjoy doing and that has nothing to do with your professional life. Cultivating a hobby gives you a moment to breathe during the chaos of the routine and work life, providing peace and stability to your mind.

The article above was edited by Camila Tutfi.
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Talita Mendes

Casper Libero '26

Journalist student currently attending my second year of college.