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5 Signs of Depression and/or Anxiety Disorder

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Over 800,000 people die due to suicide every year in the whole world. Furthermore there are many more who attempt suicide. Suicide was the second leading cause of death among 15-29 year olds in 2012. This is a huge consequence of depression, a serious desease the must be treated. Her Campus Cásper Líbero University prepared a list of factors that may indicate signs of mental health issues:

1. NEVER feeling like getting out of bed.

Being lazy sometimes is okay, it happens. But, if getting out of your bedroom and facing the real world everyday is a struggle, something is wrong. Finals can be pretty stressing and tiring, however when you start feeling stressed and tired before doing the things you like, such as hanging out with friends, it may be a sign your body is not working the way it should.

2. Always SAD.

Crying after you saw a little cute puppy happens during that time of the month (PMS) or even when you’re feeling a little bit sensible. Although, if you start crying for no reason constantly it may not be your hormons, this could literally be a cry for help.

3. Not interested anymore in doing things you used to like before.

People change and sometimes what you used to like doesn’t bring you joy anymore, that’s okay. However, if everything you used to love it’s not interesting or pleasant anymore it doesn’t necessarily mean you have changed that much. It could mean your body and brain are so overwhelmed that you can’t even enjoy these things anymore.

4. Being stressed about finals is normal. Being stressed every single day, isn’t.

If your friends and family aren’t even able to have a normal conversation with you without you freaking out about something or being rude to them, it may be a sign you’re not just going trough a bad day. If moments when you feel sad/stressed/angry/demotivated are being more common than the ones when you feel happy/calm/excited about something, maybe it’s time to look for some help and talk to a professional.

5. Excesses

Drinking everyday because you had a bad day and you “deserve it”. Eating when you don’t even feel hungry. Or, eating nothing at all. If you feel like you can’t be on your own without terrible thoughts and end up with exceding lines to get trough the day, it may be not only a sign of depression, but one if its consequences: alcoholism or eating disorders. Don’t let it happen to your body, get help. Sometimes it may feel like you’re not good enough, it may be very difficult to love and accept yourself.

Advices such as “stay strong” can annoy you because it should be easy, but it isn’t! Depression is called the desease of the century for a reason. It is a desease. Nobody gets better without talking to a doctor. If at least 3 items of this list are a part of your routine, get some help! Don’t let it be too late. Depression is serious, suicide is even more. Take care of yourself.

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Gabrielle Vianna

Casper Libero

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Bárbara Muniz

Casper Libero

Bárbara Muniz is a Journalism student and Theather lover. Half journalist, half artist, totally feminist. Hufflepuff placed, sagittarian and vegetarian. Cásper Líbero University's Charpter co-correspondent and editor-in-chief. Intern in a Brazilian broadcast channel called BandNews TV, where she works among production for newscast and social media.