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7 Things You Could Be Doing Instead of Studying for Midterms

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Poly chapter.

We all know that studying for most means studying for 60% of the times and procrastinating the other 40%. Here are some things you could spend your precious time doing instead of studying:    

1. Hitting the gym

There’s nothing like getting a good sweat to make you feel better about your procrastination. This is one of the most productive ways to avoid your studies while having great mental and physical health benefits.

Related: Are You Addicted to Exercise?

2. Taking a walk

If you’re not feeling like being super active, just be a little active. Get outside, enjoy the sun and the fresh air to clear your mind and de-stress for a bit.

3. Watching TV or a movie

This is a classic way to spend time when you should be doing something else. You have so much to choose from: Netflix, Hulu, Youtube, HBO Go; the list is endless so you definitely won’t run out of things to watch. If you’re feeling like maybe you want to study but are lacking motivation, watch a video about the subject you’re supposed to be studying to get inspired.

4. Doing some light reading

Perhaps you have a book that has been on your reading list for ages or an article catches your eye while you’re scrolling through Her Campus. Whatever it is it can be a nice break from your textbook.

5. Lounging at the beach or pool

Spring quarter is upon us and it might as well be summer with the 80 degree weather we’ve been having. Get a jumpstart on your tan by hanging at the pool or the beach. Your future self will thank you.

6. Meditating

Clear your mind and center yourself with some meditation. This could help you come to terms with the idea of studying and remember why you love learning and being in school. Meditate with the intention to  relax and focus and you’ll be well on your way to a clear head space.

7. Eating a snack

Whip up that great recipe you saw on Pinterest or try the recipe from that Tasty video you just watched. It’s bound to take a little bit of time but will definitely be worth it when you’re enjoying it.

Now that you’ve spent some time not studying, you’ll feel less burned out when you do decide to crack down. Work hard, play hard!