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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

Self Care is something we have heard a lot. The word self-care is always on social media, and people will always encourage you to do it. However, I feel like the way social media markets self-care makes it seem more like a chore and less like a time to enjoy taking care of yourself. For a while, I would choose to avoid self-care because it seemed so tedious and time-consuming. However, I realized avoiding taking care of myself altogether was not healthy either. In the busy world we live in, it is so important to take a step back and ground ourselves, even if it is just for a couple of minutes in the day. So, I wanted to share some ways that I have begun incorporating small things into my daily routine that have helped me practice self-care amidst my busy college schedule. 

First, establish some things you really enjoy doing. For example, I like to read and write. I know people who like going on walks, watching the sunset, or even just taking some time to listen to music. Even if it’s letting yourself have a cry sesh for a couple of minutes every day, do that! No matter what you choose to do, make sure that it is something that gives you pleasure and you know will help you relax. I feel like the common misconception with self-care is that all the self-care on social media is effective for everybody. That is not true at all. Self-care is so personable, so make it your own. 

Next, find a routine. This routine doesn’t have to be strict, nor should it add stress to your life. In my case, I like to read and write before I go to bed. I’ll be honest, although I would love to read every day, the reality is that I am sometimes too tired to pick up a book and would rather just go to sleep. However, I did make it my goal this year to write every night before bed. I am not perfect, and I have skipped a couple of nights here and there, but for the most part I have written every day. Some of the changes I began to notice in my life is that writing is a great way to unwind before bed.

Self-care is how you take your power back.

Lalah Delia

Lastly, try new things. Chances are there are certain things in your life that you may have tried once, and then did not like, but once you kept doing that thing you began liking it more. So, stay persistent. I was once the kind of person who would dread reading, but the truth was that I had not found the books that interested me. Now, I love to read! I speak from experience when I say that not putting yourself first or taking care of yourself can lead to burnout. Thus, putting in a couple of minutes every day to do quick self-care has been much more effective for me than trying to find an hour or more in my schedule.

There is no doubt that the elaborate self-care habits that people post on Tik Tok and Instagram are very unrealistic. While I wish I had the time to do that every day, I just do not always have the time or the resources to actually do it. In a previous HerCampus CLU article titled I Will Never Be That Girl , Xthlali spoke about the unrealistic expectations the That Girl trend on Tik Tok posed for everyday people. A lot of this same reasoning can be used for self-care. Social media constantly tells us to “romanticize our lives,” but the reality is that being in college, having a job, or whatever responsibilities you may have makes self-care seem impossible. 

In our crazy worlds, self-care can easily be drowned out by our responsibilities and commitments. Therefore, I challenge you to incorporate small self-care habits into your life. Take a couple of minutes to stretch, look up a 3-minute meditation video on YouTube, read, etc. Whatever you choose to do, make it satisfying for YOU. Self-care is not one size fits all, make it your own, experiment with new things, and build habits.

Laura Flores Arambula

Cal Lutheran '25

Hey! I'm Laura and I am a writer for Her Campus at Cal Lutheran. I am an English and Ethnic Studies major with a minor in Gender and Women's Studies and Spanish. I am a first-generation student and both of my parents are Mexican immigrants. Besides the fact that I am a One Direction and Harry Styles stan, I love to read and write! I also love going on hikes and hanging out with my friends.