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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.

Finals, we’ve seen you coming.

You’re like the storm that we knew would inevitably make landfall, and just like that you have.  Now, we’re caught in a wave of papers, projects, assignments and tests.  Will it end?  Probably, but for now the worst is here.

You’ve caused a lot of damage, dear Finals.  You’ve made us forget to shower and eat.  You’ve made us stop working out and stress out to the max.  You’ve made us let ourselves go and brought tears to our eyes.  You’ve defeated us, dear Finals, as sad as that is to say.

But it’s not all your fault.  We knew you’d be here, we just didn’t prepare for the worst.  We did not find cover in the Library like we should have been doing for weeks or seek aid from professors.  We did not stock up on healthy snacks for our long nights hunkering down while you ravaged our world.  Instead we curled up with Netflix, chilled out and procrastinated like you’d never actually get here.  It’s our fault (although we’d never admit that to you).  Unlike us, those that did prepare are sitting happily.  Barely a sign of stress in their sky.  We envy those people but at least we had some fun before you’re eminent arrival.

Gratefully, though, as quickly as you have came you will be gone and summer will be here.  Your horrific tests and projects will be blown away and graded.  Your treacherous assignments and papers will be obliterated.  You will be gone, dear Finals, and we cannot wait.  We can’t wait for summer days at the beach and days spent not stressing out.  Our frown lines will deteriorate and our smile will return; our hair will return to being washed and our faces will stop looking tired.

So Finals, you may be upon us now and wrecking our worlds but soon you will be gone and we can rejoice.  Soon you will be over and calm will once again come over our College.  Soon you will be gone and we can say that we crushed you.

You should be proud of how we will triumph over you, you should be proud of how we handle your doom and destruction. You should be proud that we will actually survive. And, we shall be so ever proud of ourselves. Soon, oh so very soon, we will be be able to relax and we cannot wait for the moment you are over, Finals.

We can’t wait.


A Very Stressed Out Student

Born and raised in the northernmost state, Alaska, Marissa flew south to College of Charleston for a little more sun and a little more heat.  She believes a good life involves coffee, puppies, and more coffee and free time is her favorite thing not to have.