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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.

I will not buy a scale for my home

Because the number affects me.


But, “it is just a number.”


I hate numbers.

I hate how they define me.

Numbers are labels.


“Numbers don’t define you.”

“It is just a number.”


I am not a size 2.

I am not 100 pounds.


I hate numbers.


“Sticks aren’t attractive.”

Neither are fat girls.


I do not fit into a category

But I am still a number.


And still, my number is not good enough.


I am not number 1.


I am not average.


But I am still a number,

Just a number.  

I saw the scale at the doctor’s office.

I stood on that scale.


I watched the number.

It changed. It shifted.

It rose.


But “it is just a number.”

I am that number.


I can feel my skin crawl.

I can feel my throat tighten.

I feel it in my stomach, down to my core.


I am that number.


“But it is just a number.”




I am THAT number.

I will never be the right number.


I do not fit in my own skin.

It needs to come off.

The clothes need to come off.


What size are you?

The tape measure twirls around my waist and around my throat.




Numbers. Numbers.



I’m choking. I can’t breathe.

This noose is too tight.

I can’t breathe.


Help me, please!


“Take it off.”




I am banging on the glass.

It won’t break.

I can’t take it off.

I can’t breathe.


“Numbers don’t define you.”


Show me where.

Show me where they don’t define me.


Show me how.

Show me how they don’t define me.


I don’t fit.


My number will never be the right number.


I will never buy a scale for my home,

Because I hate numbers.


Hey y'all! I moved to Charleston from a little town in New Jersey, and before you go "NeW JoYsEE", no. I don't talk like that. I have a sense of humor and I am very open about myself; you can live my life by reading what I write. I love long walks on the beach, coffee all day long, poetry, photography, and a whole lot more. Thank you so much for coming to my page. I really hope my writing speaks to you, helps you, or just makes you laugh. (: