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My Advice to College Freshman: I’ve Been There

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C Mich chapter.

Congratulations to all the college freshman!  You can now kiss high school goodbye and merge into the pool of independence that is college. College will absolutely be the most exciting time of your life, freshman year of college being the most special. This year is crucial for making a mark on campus and a mark for yourself. My freshman year of college was essentially one of the best and worst years of my life. I was able to find myself, but still lose myself in the process. College is a huge element of trial and error, but once you find your place, trust me you’ll truly enjoy it. Here’s my advice to all the freshman in having a successful year:

Find Your Balance

College is all about finding your balance and your niche. When you get on campus, you’ll most likely want to get involved by working, joining organizations, and going to many events. Before joining organizations, ask yourself, what can I gain from this organization? How will this organization help me grow? Approaching it that way will help you find an org that tailors to your goals. It’s also important to not let your involvements get in the way of your most important priority: academics. Beat your syllabus ahead of time; if you know that certain assignments can be done early, get it done! Procrastination is something that can creep up on you and eat you alive. Once you find the equilibrium between work and play, weeks and months will go by smoother.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Trust me when I say that as a freshman you’ll be bombarded with reminders from your R.A., Hall Council, or organizations to get out there and go to events and meetings. Listen to them! Get out there, meet people on your campus, and be you. So many friends and opportunities can be given to you by allowing yourself to get uncomfortable and experience new things. That’s the true beauty of college.

 Network, Network, Network

The saying “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” really speaks volumes. While college is a fun experience, at the end of the day that the ultimate goal is to get your degree and land the job of your dreams. Find organizations and events tailored to your major that’ll allow you to meet people just like you with the same interests and goals. Start building your resume now and sharing your emails with professors and heads of organizations that can help you with your career. You’ll never know what opportunities are in store for you!

 Don’t Neglect Your Mental Health

While you’re creating your own identity and purpose, it is easy to get lost in your busy schedule and not have a steady flow of attending classes, studying, doing activities, and having a social life. Given that notion, you’ll find yourself overwhelmed and stressed out over how you can possibly get things done in a timely fashion. You might even ask yourself,  “is college even worth all the stress?” The pressure, which can weigh down on you heavily, might result in developing depression or anxiety. If you ever feel overwhelmed, nervous, or stressed, please seek help! Look into the mental health services your school provides; they are there to help you with anything you need. While my mental health is still not where it should be, getting help put myself in a better position to be the best person I can be every day. Allow time for yourself to regroup and relax. Drawing and writing help me stay calm. Find anything that helps you reach back to a peaceful place.

When embarking on your freshman year, remember one thing: relax. Take things one day at a time. As a sophomore, I’m still making changes and improving myself and that’s okay: growth is inevitable. At the end of the day, enjoy the experience, make new friends, and make memories that you can look back on for the rest of your life.





Loreal Nix

C Mich '21

Loreal Nix is a student at Central Michigan University majoring in Journalism with a minor in Broadcast and Cinematic Arts. She works for a multitude of publications, such as EMCEE and CM Life. Loreal strives to be influential to women, especially black women and insists that any woman can pursue a journalism career being 100% themselves, not conforming to social standards. She recently started her own personal blog titled "Live In The Mix", which is featured on her social media.