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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

This summer I received an email asking if I would be interested in teaching spin classes for BisonRec, Bucknell’s group fitness programs at the KLARC. I was a candidate because I had attended many spin classes my first year at Bucknell. I jumped at this opportunity and immediately began undergoing a program to receive my certification!

BisonRec offers a plethora of group fitness classes each day that are free for faculty, staff, and students. Details on these classes can be found on the BisonRec website under the “Group Fitness” icon. Furthermore, posters of class schedules and instructors are posted throughout the fitness center. 

However, for the purposes of this article I wanted to talk about the group of women who have taken this program by the reins and are working tirelessly to create and foster a community of driven leaders. With the ring leader being Bucknell junior, Maria Chiappelli, this group has really taken a turn for the better in terms of establishing golden standards, organizing schedules, putting together fun class themes and programs, and improving aspects of spin outside of the studio. 

I had asked Maria what was her motivation behind starting a leadership group amongst the team of instructors and where she saw this group going in the future to which she responded, “When I became a fitness instructor, I had no one to lean on for guidance and support. Even though I learned how to manage on my own, I didn’t want the next set of instructors to go through the same thing, so this is what motivated me to establish a team of instructors. I wanted to create a space where we could support and learn from one another while also innovating BisonRec as a whole. I hope that establishing this team and its expectations will help future instructors reach their full potential.”

My role in this team is essentially the ‘experience’ chair, meaning that I am responsible for creating the best possible experience for all participants. For example, BisonRec is planning on implementing an achievement board: every time someone attends 10 classes, then 25, then 50, and so on they will sign their name on the board that is located outside of the two studios. This creates a sense of pride and community. I am so excited to see many names!

Furthermore, one example of a way we have created a better working experience for instructors as well as a fun class for participants is our ‘mentor’ program. The idea behind this program is to pair a new instructor with a seasoned one. Personally, my partner is Maria and we pick out songs and workouts together. Our participants love this because they are able to get a taste of different teaching styles along with our personalities working together to make the experience more personal and fun. Additionally, being able to learn and witness Maria’s teaching first hand has been the best and most helpful influence on my teaching as well. When I was in my first year here at Bucknell I never missed Maria’s class, and now being able to work with her on a more professional level has been amazing!

I highly encourage all Bucknellians to take advantage of what BisonRec offers and enjoy the wonderful, community building experience that comes with attending classes!

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Jenna DeLuccia

Bucknell '26

Hey! My name is Jenna DeLuccia and I am a student at Bucknell University from Franklin Lakes, New Jersey! I love to go to the Jersey shore and NYC, take spin classes, travel, spend time with my friends and family, and hot girl walk outside :)