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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

This one goes out to all the girls & guys who don’t feel comfortable in their own skin.

I think that it’s immensely important that you remember that it is the same brain that fears pasta that is able to learn that your best friend’s favorite color is yellow. And it is with the same fingers that you use to pick up the slice of pizza that has “too much grease” that are used to intertwine hands with someone you love. It is with the legs that you might not adore that support you in standing tall to face the world. 

Food is more than fuel to create and sustain life- it’s sitting at the local taco place with your family not having to think about whether or not the chips were fried and it’s baking with your little sister and it’s feeling full and energized. It’s Grandma’s Christmas cookies and candy at the movie theater. 

If I could go back in time and tell this to my younger self, the little girl in and out of therapy for anorexia that refused to eat cake on her ninth birthday, I would. And if you asked me a year ago if I thought I’d be baking chocolate chip muffins for myself I would have laughed. Your body deserves all of the wonderful things that your mind and your heart do, and if you get anything out of this article, please let it be that.

Be kind to yourself, you are not alone, and happy eating disorder awareness week 2023!

Bucknell Campus Resources:

-Call or Text (800) 931-2237 Monday-Thursday 11am-9pm ET; Friday 11am-5pm ET

-Contact Bucknell Counseling Center! They are such a great help! 

Kaelyn Jasina

Bucknell '22

Kaelyn Jasina is a First Year student at Bucknell University studying Psychology and Creative Writing. She loves to take spin classes on campus, go out with her friends, do yoga, and write stories highlighting what it means to be human. She hopes her work makes you feel empowered :)