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Halo Top Creamery is Coming Out on Top

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

A couple of months ago, I started seeing posts on the Internet and comments from my friends about something called “Halo Top.”  Not listening carefully, I chalked it up to sounding like the name of a new pop song on the radio. However, coming back to school, I could not ignore it: I heard the words “Halo Top” when people were talking about what was on the top of their lists at the grocery store, with strong exclamations about its deliciousness following suit. What was this new food, and why had I not bothered to try it?

According to the Halo Top Creamery, this angelic-sounding ice cream brand seeks to give ice cream a new name — ensuring that their ingredients are “all-natural” in creating a “low-calorie, high-protein, and low-sugar” alternative to ice cream. Reading this, I paused. Sure, I love frozen yogurt — a healthier option than ice cream by far — but if it came down to it, would I choose my Pinkberry over my Ben & Jerry’s? Absolutely freaking not. You could say I was skeptical, especially when I saw they had a line of dairy-free ice cream as well.

Curiosity piqued, I decided to buy three pints — one for each of my roommates and myself. I obviously had to get my favorite flavor (mint chip), while I got two of their respective favorites, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and Chocolate (As you can see, we’re a chocolate-loving triple). Read on to see what I thought when I tried each one!


1. Halo Top Chocolate

When this scoop entered my mouth, I honestly wondered why I had never tried healthy ice cream before. Simply put, it was DELICIOUS. The silky smooth chocolate had a strong milk chocolate flavor that was overpowering in the best way. I want to be buried in this pint.


2. Halo Top Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

Again, this pint did not disappoint.  What could be better than cookie dough that is apparently good for you? Sign me up. When I tasted this, all I can say is I wanted more, more, and more. I actually had to restrain myself from eating at least half the pint.


3. Halo Top Mint Chip

Last, but not least, we get to my personal favorite: mint chip. When I got to this one, expectations were high. I’m also just a harsh mint chip critic, knowing only certain ones will please me. Halo Top did not fail me. With my first taste I recognized it wasn’t as good as some of my favorite ice cream parlors, but when I had a little more, I was hooked. Halo Top is quickly turning me into a health aficionado.


End Verdict? Halo Top is definitely going to be on top. And actually, I was hoping that I wouldn’t like one to make it a little interesting — but I’m learning Halo Top clearly doesn’t disappoint. I will say, I think the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough knocked out the Mint Chip as my favorite though! Who knows, maybe next time I’ll go wild and try dairy-free. Make sure you check out Halo Top’s website for more information on cool flavors and their ingredients!

Maddie is a senior majoring in journalism and public relations in the College of Communication at Boston University. Hailing from suburban Philadelphia, Maddie is incredibly happy to be back in Boston for her fourth year. This year, she's looking forward to spending all of her money on brunch, downing lots of coffee, and of course, writing and editing at Her Campus. Outside of Her Campus, Maddie is involved with her sorority and exploring all of Boston.
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.