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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Nowadays there are a plethora of supplements sold for basically any healthcare quam you can have! With our busy schedules and overload of homework assignments, it can be hard for a college student to maintain a healthy diet, get enough sleep, and reduce stress! Supplements are a great way to add a boost of nutrients into your body when it is hard to get them on your own, so, I have devised a definitive list of the most useful supplements for college students! Please note that before introducing any new supplement into your routine, it’s important to consult a doctor and do what’s best for your lifestyle.


Melatonin is a great short-term fix when your sleep schedule is out of whack! Melatonin is a hormone that is naturally occurring and helps to regulate your sleep cycle and aid in relaxation. If you are not producing enough melatonin, it can be very hard to fall asleep. While I do not suggest you become dependent on these supplements, these are great to use if you have a big exam the next day and need a good night of sleep, or if you’re anxious or stressed about something and are having trouble falling asleep. Disclaimer: you should be mindful to take it 30 minutes before bed, and at least 8 hours before you want to wake up. I like this gummy version here.

Vitamin C 

If you were to buy one supplement from this list, this would be it. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin (ie: it can’t be produced by the body) that’s main benefit is improving your immune system. So, if you aren’t eating enough fruits and vegetables (which let’s face it, we aren’t), you should consider Vitamin C supplements. I used to get sick pretty frequently back in high school, so I started taking Vitamin C supplements daily when I came to college, and miraculously I haven’t gotten sick in over a year. I’m telling you, this supplement is SO effective. I like this type here.

Evening Primrose Oil 

Evening primrose oil contains essential fatty acids that can assist in achieving a clear complexion, relieving PMS symptoms, and providing female hormonal support overall, which is every college girl’s dream. I take these starting a week before my period starts, as well as during the time I have my period. I have noticed that these significantly reduce the hormonal breakouts I get during my cycle, and they help decrease my irritability significantly. I buy this type here

Valerian Root 

Valerian root is an herbal remedy that has been used for years to aid in relaxation and to calm nerves. While this can aid in sleep, if your problem is trying to calm your nerves, this is a great supplement to take if you are constantly stressed, and can also be used in conjunction with melatonin. However, Valerian root does not need to be used only at night as it will not make you drowsy. Warning: these have a very distinct smell. I recommend these here.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is required for the formation of new red blood cells, and for DNA and RNA synthesis. Vitamin B12 comes from meat and poultry, so many vegetarians and vegans are deficient in this vitamin. However, it is very likely that many meat-eaters are also deficient. Receiving a proper amount of Vitamin B12 will boost your energy levels and mood overall. I like this one here.

While you shouldn’t turn to dietary supplements as your only source of nutrients, they are definitely a good way to boost your intake! While most supplements are completely safe, I recommend speaking with your physician if you have any concerns. 

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Ro is a sophomore at BU studying Finance.
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.