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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bowling Green chapter.

The art of poetry has always held a special place in my heart. Each word expresses emotion, vulnerability, and elegance. My favorite piece of poetry, Home Body, written by Canadian poet, Rupi Kaur, encapsulates the essence of self-growth and acceptance of oneself. Her firsthand experiences with self-doubt, critical depression, and productivity anxiety are reflected upon through her eloquent language. I heavily related to Rupi Kaur’s encounter with productivity anxiety and how it affected her everyday life.  

One of the most influential quotes in a passage from her poetry book states “Productivity is not how much work I do in a day, but how well I balance what I need to stay healthy; being productive is knowing when to rest.” As far back as I can remember, I have struggled with anxious thoughts that once consumed me. I always felt different than everyone else around me, yet when I first read Rupi Kaur’s quote about productivity anxiety, I knew I was not alone. 

My personal experience with productivity anxiety has often left me feeling guilty when I want to relax or take a break from everyday responsibilities. Most of the time I feel as if I am not doing “enough,” and I need to be doing something every minute of the day to fulfill my time. While having these negative thoughts, I realize that I often neglect many other important aspects of my life such as balancing relationships with friends and family, school workload, and my own physical well-being as well as my mental health. The effects of productivity anxiety on my body and mind have made me recognize that the pressure I put on myself to excel is beyond what humans are truly capable of.  

Once I realized how unrealistic my expectations were for myself, I was able to focus more on my own personal well-being and a more efficient work-life balance. It was quite eye-opening for me to read this passage of Rupi Kaur’s beautifully written poetry book, Home Body, and to learn how productivity anxiety affected her life. As I absorbed each of her powerful words, I became more mindful of living in the moment and enjoying each aspect of life as it came. Her poetry reminded me how important it is to prioritize my own physical and mental health. I hope that the vulnerability I have shown through my experience with productivity anxiety and the impact that poetry has had on my life will help other people realize that they are not alone. 

Article Source: Kaur, Rupi, and Sabine Rolland. Home Body. Pocket, 2022. 

Emily Behm

Bowling Green '26

Emily is currently a third year studying Architecture and Environmental Design. She is involved in various BGSU student organizations and programs such as CHAARG, President of Self Love Club, the Honors College, and AIAS for architecture.