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Reclaiming My Time: Anna’s Journey in Self Discovery

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bowling Green chapter.

I recently distanced myself from some people who had been the bedrock of my college experience. This has had a drastic impact on my lifestyle here at school. In the weeks before the new semester, I felt nervous that I wouldn’t be able to find happiness at school. All the memories and traditions would be everywhere I looked. However, in these past five weeks of school, I’ve found that the key to my happiness has been a mindset shift.

This mindset shift began when I found this article written by Banner Health, a nonprofit center that offers health care services. This article talked about the difference between solitude and loneliness. Adeola Adelayo, MD, a practicing psychiatrist said “Solitude is an active practice or a conscious choice that you have control over. Whereas, loneliness feels passive, almost as if it’s happening to you.”(Banner). This article changed my perception of alone time. I realized that the only person who could assign meaning to my time was me. I began to identify things I could do to raise my spirits. 

Get Outside. 

I have begun going for walks in the neighborhood by my apartment. I’ll listen to music or just take in my surroundings. If I’m struggling to find time in my schedule, I will use my walks between classes as a moment of peace in the chaos. 


Speaking of music, I’ve been binge-listening to Guts by Olivia Rodrigo and Speak Now by Taylor’s Version (I am patiently waiting for 1989 Taylor’s Version on Oct. 27th!). These songs have been my soundtrack on drives to and from school, walks, or study sessions. They’ve helped lift me when I need a push.  

Spend time with Friends.

Unlike I’d feared, this new semester has brought a lot of new people into my life. I try my best to stay present when I am in class or clubs I’m a member of. I’ve found that I have made stronger bonds with people since leaving my relationship.

Limiting screen time. 

I’ve found that social media plays a large part in hurting my mental state. I could be having a wonderful time, but then I’d see people I used to know posting and it hurt me. I make an effort to unfollow or silence their posts.

Senior Bucketlist

I created a bucket list of things I wanted to do before I graduated. From attending the President’s picnic to senior photos in the spring. These events will give me purpose and closure for this chapter in my life. 

I have been amazed by the amount of things that have changed in my life in just a few months. This change has opened up many doors; new friendships, job opportunities, and free time. I see my life from a different perspective now. What would your mindset shift be? Spend more time with your family? Plan a road trip? Join a new group?



Anna Withrow

Bowling Green '24

Anna is the Events Coordinator at BGSU. She is a senior Digital Arts major with an Image and Word minor. In her free time, she enjoys reading, dancing, writing, and hanging with friends.