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Why I Stayed at Bentley Over Thanksgiving Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

This year for Thanksgiving break, rather than go home, I decided to stay at Bentley. As soon as my friends heard about this, they started protesting: “But you’ll be lonely! What will you eat? Why aren’t you going home? Do you want to come home with me?” Though I appreciated their generous offers to spend Thanksgiving with their families, I truly wanted to spend this Thanksgiving by myself, for reasons I found difficult to explain.


1. I enjoy being alone.

In the busy rush of college life, alone time is very rare. I was hoping this Thanksgiving break would give me some peace and quiet.


2. I had so much work to do.

I’m not sure why…but all of my professors for some reason decided to give me a paper, presentation, or exam due soon after break. Rather than enjoying my break and then panicking when I got back, I decided to work hard over break so that when everyone else came back I would have some free time to spend with friends.


3. Home is far away.

For a five day break, I would have to spend two of those days in the airport. Then, the three days I spent at home I would be tired and not be able to spend as much time with my family as I would want to.


Was Bentley over Thanksgiving lonely? Yes. Did I enjoy it? Yes. Not only did I have the “me time” I desired, I was incredibly productive and got all my work done. Besides, winter break is right around the corner!


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I am a senior at Bentley University with a major in marketing. I plan to go to law school after finishing my undergrad.
Allison Weed

Bentley '20

Allison Weed is a senior at Bentley University. She is majoring in Marketing with minors in Information Design and Corporate Communication, and International Affairs. She is the President and Campus Correspondent of the Bentley University Her Campus Chapter.