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How to React When: Ghosting Doesn’t Work

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

You may have read one of my recent articles about ghosting (if not you can find it here)


But what should you do when ghosting doesn’t work? Trust me, this happened to my friend recently and she really could have used this article (she obviously didn’t read my article about how to properly ghost someone). But anyway, this is how you should react.


1. Scream

You wanted to ghost someone and none of it worked. As hard as you try to ignore them they finally say something that catches your interest and you can’t ignore. In my friend’s case, she was asked a direct question about something she was actually interested in talking about with him (for once).  



2. Figure out what you want the relationship to be

If you’re talking to this person you obviously wanted them in your life. Take some time to think about where you want the relationship to be and don’t be afraid to DTR.



3. Make it obvious you aren’t making your schedule for them

If they ask to hang out do not give them the power. Act like you’re not super interested so they get the hint that you are responding now that this may not continue in the future. You obviously ghosted them for a reason, and you should not have to drop everything for them just because they are being nice.



4. If all else fails, ghost them again.

Hey, at least you gave them a second chance. (But make sure to read my article this time).



If you like this How to React article make sure to check out my last one here: https://www.hercampus.com/school/bentley/how-react-when-someone-doesnt-follow-you-back-instagram


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Hi! I'm a sophomore at Bentley and majoring in IDCC with a minor in Gender Studies. I love dogs and chocolate.