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Dorm Room Workouts For When You’re Snowed In

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

When it is snowing outside, there is no way I want to put on a pair of sweatpants over my shorts and shoes, throw on a sweatshirt, pop on some gloves, and trek down to the gym. More often than not when it is snowing or pouring outside, I avoid the gym at all costs. However, this leaves me feeling lazy and unproductive. I knew that there were different “At-Home” workouts that could be done, but I never really looked into it until I came to college.

There are always the infomercials that are on at 4 A.M about Insanity and P90X. From experience, almost ALL infomercials are bogus so naturally I felt the same way about these two home workouts. However, after skipping several days of going to the gym and feeling unproductive, I looked into these workouts. The progress pictures looked awesome and the workouts didn’t seem too hard.

Ever since then, I have been an avid “At-Home” video-workout-girl. I actually rarely ever go to the gym. My favorite at-home workout DVD had been Insanity up until Tony Horton released a new P90X3 workout.

P90X3 is a program that comes with 16 different workout DVDs that all focus on different things. There is an Incinerator workout, a trio metrics workout, a CVX workout, and a yoga workout. Some are cardio, some are resistance, others are power workouts, and some are flexibility and strength training. But the best part is that the workouts are only 30 minutes!

I was hesitant to try this because I am one that likes to spend a long time at the gym. However, when classes start to pick up the pace, work piles on, and life happens, you just don’t have any time. And ON TOP of that, when it’s snowing, who wants to trudge to the gym?

I have found that Tony Horton’s P90X3 workout is one of the best at home workout DVDs I have tried thus far. I am sweating and panting throughout the whole thing as it speeds by. Most of the workouts work you so hard, you FEEL like you were at the gym for over an hour. Although this workout may not be for the faint of heart, there are modifiers that you can follow throughout each DVD. It is geared towards people who do have an athletic background, but my roommates, who have never played sports before, have tried and they love it. It may be a little steep in price, but I promise you it’s worth it. Give it a try!

My favorite one so far is CVX. Tony’s a riot, and it incorporates weights into a cardio DVD which not only increases the calorie burn, but makes the workout so much more fun than your traditional cardio workout!




Bentley University