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Big Girls Do Cry: Why Crying is Healthy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Augustana chapter.

Crying- we all do it. It’s not usually something we want to do, but sometimes it’s just out of our control. Of course, when most people think about crying, they think about negative emotions. Despite that association, there are actually some health benefits to letting yourself have a good cry.

Instead of bottling up your emotions, it can be beneficial to let them all out through tears. Crying has been proven to relieve stress and open a person to positive emotions. It can help to rebalance the body after a period of stress or negative emotions. After crying, most people report that their mood has improved. It’s a release- built up emotions can be expelled. Crying is the easiest stress relief, and you will feel better if you allow yourself to let it out.

Crying can also bring people closer together. When someone cries, they are showing extreme vulnerability. Friends become closer, strangers become more friendly, and families more supportive when they see someone crying. The position of vulnerability that crying puts someone in also makes them more receptive to support from others. As silly as it sounds, crying can actually be a great bonding experience.

In addition to emotional benefits, crying also has physical benefits. Crying helps to clean and protect the eyes. It’s one of the best defense mechanisms for the eyes. Everyone knows that your eyes water when you get something in them, but crying even when you do not have a problem is still good for them. Crying also clears the nose. Tears are the body’s natural cleanser, and it has even been reported that they might help to clear you skin.

In our society, crying is often seen as a taboo sign of weakness. But, crying can actually make you stronger. The release of emotion improves mood, and can bring people closer together. The health benefits to crying have been proven by scientists. So go ahead- let it out! Crying is nothing to be ashamed of. Whether you’re stressed about midterms, homesick, or just feeling bad, a good cry might make your day a little better.

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/5-reasons-crying-is-good-for-you_us_55e9e31ee4b002d5c075f5ff


Senior at Augustana College. Biochemistry and Psychology Major. Proud Feminist. Third Year with Her Campus. 
Augustana Contributor