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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

If you’re serious about taking charge of your health, and want to be apart of an organization of supportive and encouraging girls all with the same goal in mind, then this fitness club is for you. CHAARG stands for “Changing Health, Attitudes, + Actions to Recreate Girls.”; It’s a nation wide organization, spanning almost 50 universities so far (and still growing). Since 2012, CHAARG has been liberating college-aged women from the elliptical, proving that fitness can and should be fun.

CHAARG came to Auburn University January of 2016. This chapter aims to show girls that the weight area on the first floor of the rec center doesn’t have to be scary (or just for boys). They visit different studios around the Auburn/Opelika area once a week. These “Studio Spotlights” give the members a chance to “find their fit” by attending classes such as Crossfit, Pure Barre, yoga and everything in between.

Not only do they work out, but CHAARG is also a supportive and motivating community of Auburn Women. The best part is, you don’t have to be a three-time gold medalist Olympic athlete to join CHAARG. They have members of all shapes and sizes, with different levels of fitness. Aside from the Studio Spotlights, each exec team member leads a small group each week, at the same time, with the same group of girls. These Small Groups work around the members’ schedules with seven different options, allowing girls to be flexible while still taking charge of their health.  

CHAARG, as a national organization, hosts many nation-wide events each year. Including Fit Plans, RunCHAARG, and national retreats. These events not only promote bonding between members of the Auburn chapter, but bonds with the 5,000+ girls in chapters all over the country! 

If you want to know more about the Auburn CHAARG community, email their secretary, Corinne, at auburnchaarginfo@gmail.com. No event is required, but if you attend 2 events a semester, the membership fee (of $45) pays for itself! 

“CHAARG isn’t just an organization that hands you a tank top and sends you on your way—it’s a life style and an attitude towards fitness that extends well beyond a student organization.”                             

Join Auburn CHAARG! http://chaarg.com/aubUrn-university/

Website ++ blog – http://chaarg.com/ 

Instagram – @chaarg

Twitter – https://twitter.com/CHAARG 

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/CHAARG?fref=ts 


Animal Science major with a passion for writing. Crazy cat lover, avid diet coke drinker and a shopping addict.