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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

It’s been a tough week for a great number of people. Between witnessing the aftermath of a hotly-contested election, feeling the division in our lives and in our country, and anticipating the stress of the semester’s end, it’s important to take some steps to keep your mental health in check. In times of stress and sadness, take time to recognize how you’re feeling and care for yourself in a way that creates a positive reaction for you and those around you.

Here are some tips for how to take care of yourself during hard times:

1. Take a break from social media

Deleting social media can help you live more in the moment and learn more about yourself. If you are constantly keeping up with others and updating your followers, it becomes easy to lose yourself. While it can be a great communication tool with family and friends, social media can cause us to compare our lives with others and to do things for approval. Being less attached to Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook can help you do things for the experience and pure enjoyment rather than for the share-ability. Without the need to update your status or post an Instagram, you can easily make genuine connections with the places you go and the people you are with.

2. Meditate

Whether it’s praying, reading, or doing meditative yoga, spending time alone can be incredibly healing. One easy way to meditate is to do breathing exercises. Focusing on the in-and-out motion of your breath can help you tune out the rest of the world and the stresses and anxieties that come with it. When you breathe deeply, you bring a surplus of oxygen to your brain and reduce your anxiety levels. Deep breathing exercises can also improve organ and muscle function and improve your posture, which can lead to more confidence. Taking control of your breath is one easy example of meditation that can be done anywhere and at any time. Whatever your style of meditation, taking time to focus on your mind and body can be refreshing and revitalizing.

3. Talk to someone you don’t often hear from

Living far away from all of my grandparents can be difficult. Since I don’t see them that often, it is sometimes hard to keep in touch. However, the distance makes it all the more special when I do get to see or talk to them. A random conversation with a grandparent is one of the few things that is guaranteed to make my day. For me, hearing the voice of someone I love, and taking a few minutes to catch up, reminds me of how impactful it is to feel loved. Taking the time to call a parent, grandparent, or an old friend can mean the world to them and to you. Most of the time, the best thing you can do for yourself is to remember how much you are loved.

4. Be kind to yourself

When going through a difficult time, recognize the impact of the small things. If you feel like you’re getting lost in the world, get lost in yourself instead. For me, some of the hardest days have also been the most beautiful days. Life at rock bottom can help you identify the things that improve your life, your mood, and your emotions. Whether it be getting a veggie burger from Comeback Shack each Friday, reading your favorite book, or taking a run to your favorite spot on the Greenway, make the decision to do things that make you happy. Spend time with those that lift you up. Love your mistakes and your successes. Reward yourself. Give yourself time and give yourself empathy. Taking time to learn more about yourself can help you realize where you are, and where you want to be. And that’s where the healing can begin!

Savannah is a senior at Appalachian State majoring in English with a concentration in professional writing and a double minor in geology and communication. She enjoys hiking, doing yoga, watching scary movies, and playing with her 6 dogs. A lover of the environment and natural history, Savannah hopes to do communication work for the National Park Service after graduating.