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8 Easy Ways to Promote Mental Health On Your Day Off

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

The stress of juggling school, work, a social life and extra curricular activities can have some seriously negative affects on our mental health. It may feel like you need spend every day hussling to get everything done in time, but that constant work just leads to burn out and decreased productivity. By making a point to be mindful of yourself and your body, you’ll find more time in your day, not less. 

  1. Sleep in!

Whoever called it “beauty sleep” was really onto something. Not only does sleep help rejuvenate skin, but getting your eight hours a night can promote a happier, healthier life. Sleep fosters a better mood throughout the day, increases cognitive skills and creativity and lowers your risk of weight gain and diabetes. You may miss a couple study hours, but the increased focus and decreased stress will allow you to get the same amount of work done in less time.

2. Have some quiet time

It seems like our lives are a constant whirlwind of work and errands, so make a point to take a little time for yourself. Unwind. Read a book, write in your journal, color, listen to a podcast or just sit on your porch with a cup of coffee. Take a moment to breathe.

3. Treat yo’ self

Do something for yourself that you wouldn’t normally do. Go shopping, get your nails done, play with the puppies at the puppy store (my personal favorite.) Indulge a bit because these days don’t come around often.

4. Reach out to someone you haven’t seen in a while

Between school, internships, and clubs, is seems like we don’t have a spare minute to call our parents, siblings or high school friends. Once in a while, dedicate an hour to connection with a friend that you don’t see often. It’s a great excuse to catch up, and you’ll be reminded of the all the amazing people you have in your life.

5. Work out

“Exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don’t shoot their husbands.” –Elle Woods. 

Not only will you not shoot your husband, but you’ll also enjoy your day off. Make sure to spend the day focusing on yourself— mind and body. Go on a run through a trail in your neighborhood or attend a yoga class. Take some time to appreciate your body and everything it can do.

6. Do a “me” project

Scrolling through Pinterest and reading blogs inspires a lot of ideas for projects you want to complete. Whether it’s cleaning out your closet or setting up your bullet journal, set aside an hour to check it off your list.

7. Be grateful

We often forget to take the time and reflect on the things we are grateful for in life. Take out a journal, or the notes section of your iPhone, and jot down a few things you are grateful for. It will help put your day in perspective.

8. Gear up for tomorrow

Relaxed and re-energized, mentally prepare to kick ass tomorrow in your whirlwind of a life.

Photo Credits: Header, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Elyse is currently a senior at American University studying foreign language and communications with a focus in Spanish and print journalism. She is originally from Scranton, Pennsylvania and in her spare time she likes to do yoga, read, and binge-watch Netflix when she's supposed to be studying.