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5 Instructors to Follow if You Struggle With Workout Motivation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Akron chapter.

I will be honest with you guys: I used to HATE exercising.  Before COVID, I never exercised, because I never had motivation to do it.  When we were on lockdown, I figured I should start exercising to help me sleep better at night.  Once I started researching more fun ways to work out, I soon found my motivation.  The only way I can work out is by following someone on YouTube, and I’ve found that these creators are the best to work out with!

Joseph Corella – 567Broadway

Joseph Corella is the founder of 567Broadway, a workout business that focuses primarily on exercising to show tunes.  Joseph’s workout DVD provides cardio exercise to some of the most popular musical theatre songs.  His YouTube channel also features original choreographed dance routines to more show tunes.  Joseph was the first YouTuber I found in quarantine, and his upbeat personality and uber-fun dance routines kept me coming back for more.  If you want a fun, cardio-driven workout (or are secretly a huge theatre nerd like me), check out his channel!

Emily Thorne – EMKFit

Emily Thorne is the creator of the EMKFit YouTube channel and her original EMKHIIT exercise classes.  Her channel is a mix of strength training to pop songs, and HIIT-style workouts with a curated playlist and theme.  HIIT stands for “high intensity interval training,” where the instructor teaches you a move/exercise and you repeat it over and over for 20 seconds, take a break for 10 seconds, then move on to the second move.  Emily blends modern dance moves with HIIT style training in her videos, so instead of doing burpees or high knees, you do ponies and jump-kicks.  Her videos are some of the most intense workouts I’ve ever done, but they are also very fun and rewarding when you finish them.  Emily is also super-entertaining to watch, so it really is the whole package!

Kyra – Kyra Pro

Kyra is the founder of Kyra Pro workouts and her YouTube channel.  Along with having cardio dance and strength training workouts on her channel, she also has healthy recipes for her subscribers.  Her cardio dance workouts combine traditional exercises with dance moves to pop songs, movie soundtracks, and musical albums.  Kyra’s workouts are so much fun, and her bubbly personality always puts a smile on my face.  The intensity of the workout varies with how long the video is, and some of her strength training videos are very difficult.  But she does offer shorter, easier workouts, and all of them are a lot of fun!

Leslie Sansone – Walk at Home

Leslie Sansone is the creator Walk at Home, an exercise class that focuses primarily on fitness walking.  She has a workout app, but you can also access her exercise videos through her YouTube channel.  I’ve been doing her workouts for a while now, and they are always a lot of fun.  The moves are not difficult, but you will break a sweat, trust me.  Leslie’s personality is also what keeps me coming back to her videos; she is upbeat, positive, and loves to encourage people to become healthy.  Her passion for health and fitness really shines through in the videos.

Up to the Beat Fitness

Gina B is the creator of Up to the Beat Fitness, a walking workout class with dance moves thrown in.  She is the most recent workout instructor I’ve found in quarantine, but I’ve quickly become a big fan of hers, and her YouTube channel.  Like I mentioned earlier, her videos consist of a mix of walking and dancing to curated playlists featuring pop songs, disco, and other classic hits.  Her love for dance and fitness really comes through in her videos, and that’s part of the reason I love doing her workouts.  Trust me, I am not a dancer by any means, but the moves are fairly easy, and there’s lots of repetition, which is a good thing for me!

Rebecca Geiser is a junior at The University of Akron. She is currently majoring in Media Studies with a minor in Popular Literature and Film and a certificate in Social Media Marketing. Rebecca is passionate about musical theatre, learning random history facts, and trying new kinds of Starbucks coffee.