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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

Adelphi’s Center for Recreation and Sports is often overlooked by students who may not be athletes, but it really is a super great resource for everyone. Between the courts, fitness center, and the free group fitness classes, there are so many ways for us to stay active. So grab your water bottles, tie your laces, and head on over to the Center for Recreation and sports!

Looking to play a game of basketball with some friends? Then head on over to our courts in the Center for Recreation and Sports, where at least one court is always open and free for student use! Maybe you’re more in the mood for dragging your best friend to a Saturday morning yoga class. Well you’re in luck–possibly to your best friend’s dismay. Adelphi University offers free group fitness classes in all different areas! Cardio, kickboxing, yoga, Pilates, boot camp classes, and much more! You can also use the Fitness Center located in Woodruff Hall to get a work out in. The Fitness Center is free for student use, even one year after you graduate! In addition, the pool is another free resource you can take advantage of as long as the swim team isn’t using it at the time. With everything that’s available to students in Woodruff and the CRS, they also hold events there.

In the fall, Adelphi’s Midnight Madness is held in the CRS, introducing the basketball team and holding a pep rally for the entire student body. Relay for life is also held there, taking place all night in the gym as students walk, eat, dance, and raise money for the American Cancer Society. In addition, this year our Spring Concert, which was Kesha, was held in the gym. Plus, you can always grab a seat in the stands and catch a basketball game while showing your Panther pride!

Whether you’re looking for an intense work out or a more relaxed setting, or you’re checking out all the events that are on campus, the Adelphi Center for Recreation and sports has it for you! So next time you’re sitting in your room staring out the window, take the initiative and take a trip over there!

Writer for Her Campus - Adelphi, involved on campus, lover of Saturday Night Live.