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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.

Which one is yours?  

In 2019, Stephanie Hall posted an Instagram post detailing nine different types of rest she identified as important to her and the people around her. Seeing as we are all students here at HCAU, where we are all exhausted thanks to our academic workloads, I thought I should share the many types of rest so we can all take care of ourselves just a little bit better.  

#1 Time away 

In an interview with Well+Good , Hall states those who need time away often feel responsible for everything, hence why they suit rest that incorporates holidays, fun activities and difference to their daily tasks and responsibilities.  

#2 Permission to not be helpful  

In the same interview, Hall explains those who always feel the need to put other people’s feelings before themselves find most peace when giving themselves permission to say no to helping someone, or to at least not say yes.  

#3 Something ‘unproductive’ 

If you feel like you are becoming a product of toxic hustle culture (or as I like to call it, late-stage capitalism), resting by doing a fun craft, reading a book, or something else that won’t help your professional or career goals will do wonders for your mental health.  

#4 Connection to art and nature  

Those who find themselves attracted to the outdoors, or their more creative sides, might find themselves rejuvenated by spending time outdoors – in all weathers- or taking time on a creative project simply for pleasure, rather than something related to work. Even just attempting to appreciate the world around you might be enough to soothe the soul. 

#5 Solitude to recharge 

If you are introverted like me, and only have so much energy in any given day to interact with others, taking time to yourself is of upmost importance. This could take the form of you literally going into a room by yourself for a few hours or be more psychological by giving yourself time in the day to not respond to people emails, for example. Hall believes either option works.  

#6 A break from responsibility 

If you find yourself overly concerned with your safety, and indeed the safety and comfort of others, Hall recommends detaching yourself from those responsibilities as much as possible, or even completely. Even if it is only for a few hours, having time that is completely yours allows you to recharge in a safe and productive way. 

#7 Stillness to decompress 

If you are a busy bee with lots of responsibilities on your shoulders, the preferred way to rest is to stop. Simply stop whatever it is you are doing and give yourself full permission to not think about those responsibilities for a set amount of time. In this time, you could do something that brings you joy outside of work, or to completely shut off from everything for a while. 

#8 Safe space  

For those who are maybe uncomfortable in their place in life right now, finding safe spaces and having trusted individuals you can talk to is of vital importance. Once in these safe spaces, or around these people, Hall believes it is important to let yourself be vulnerable, so you can be best helped and protected. 

#9 Alone time at home  

For those who spend hours upon hours away from their home or indeed their safe space, it is important to seek peace and comfort from your home to allow yourself time to recalibrate after spending so long in the outside world. Use your home as a space to be completely and authentically you, without the need to merge completely with others. 

There are clearly a multitude of ways you can reset and recharge when you feel you need it, all of which are valid and helpful in the right setting.  

Which type of rest resonated with you most? Let us know via our socials! 

Iona Hancock

Aberdeen '22

PGDE Primary 21/22 @ Aberdeen 1st Class Honours in Politics and IR @ Aberdeen