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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.

Part Time Jobs whilst at University

For many first-year students, not only do they need to adjust to university life, they also need to find part-time jobs to support themselves. Luckily, in a city such as Aberdeen they are many different jobs that students can apply for. Bar, restaurant, and retail jobs are the most popular amongst students. Here are some helpful tips for studying whilst having a job in Aberdeen:


  • Christmas Temporary Workers: although Christmas seems ages away, from the end of September onwards, shops begin to look for Christmas temp staff. However, Christmas temps are usually required to work either Christmas Eve or Boxing Day and some shifts over New Year. I worked Christmas Eve last year and agreed with my manager that I would be able to leave before the last train home but be aware that some employers may not be as understanding. If you want to earn some money over the Christmas holidays, looking for a Christmas Temp position near home may be more practical.


  • Prioritise your Studies: if you do get a job whilst studying make sure it fits around your university schedule. Taking on too many hours at work can lead to unnecessary stress in the long run. Remember to leave yourself with enough hours to do reading, assignments, revision, and notes. If you have spare time, overtime can usually be found if you ask for it, but maintaining a good work/uni balance is key.


  • Where to Look: Union Square and Bon Accord & St. Nicholas websites have career sections where the shops/restaurants advertise. For stores on Union Street and surrounding areas check their websites or go in store with a CV. Many shops also put signs in their windows and post on their Facebook/Twitter/Instagram pages.



  • Work can be fun!: although sometimes the thought of going to work can put a downer on your Friday night, if you have great people to work with, the working day can go much faster and be filled with laughs. You also get the chance to talk to many different people every day, it’s always great when you get a good customer to speak to!



  • Treat yourself: I use this as an excuse to spend all of my money but on payday, definitely treat yourself to something! Whether it’s a new bit of makeup, a pair of shoes or a Nandos, enjoy yourself. Working hard all month means that you deserve a treat at the end of it!


Happy job hunting from HC Aberdeen xoxo


Image link: https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Ffirstemploy.co.uk%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F05%2Fstudent-summer-jobs.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Ffirstemploy.co.uk%2Ftop-5-jobs-to-do-whilst-at-university%2F&docid=VzUz3mTk5J3lkM&tbnid=bUr_rn4WCjbnxM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwisoIGTl6zVAhVDb1AKHW1hAH4QMwjaASgAMAA..i&w=850&h=565&bih=557&biw=1242&q=student%20jobs&ved=0ahUKEwisoIGTl6zVAhVDb1AKHW1hAH4QMwjaASgAMAA&iact=mrc&uact=8

Holly Judge

Aberdeen '19

MA English Graduate 2018 and PGDE Secondary (English) student 2018-19. President of Her Campus Aberdeen 2018-2019