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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.

Iona Hancock: 

A stranger I had spent the day (but hadn’t actually spoken) with at a CND conference told me I brightened the room with my aura. Was he on something? Probably. Did it make me smile? Absolutely.  


Lucy Clarkson: 

Somebody once told me that I gave off Jacinda Ardern vibes and I’ve never shut up about it.   


Chloe Weir: 

In 2nd year, the manager at the Bobbin once told me I looked like I had my life together… I don’t know what gave him that impression because I most certainly do not. 


Amy Catlow: 

I got called gorgeous but terrifying on a night out after I argued with a boy at the bar… May not be the best compliment but always makes me feel like a bad bitch when I remember that. 


Meridyth Alderson: 

Every now and then at work a random middle-aged lady (a new lady every time) comes through my checkout and says ‘oh my god you have the most amazing eyes!’ And if they’re with their friend they turn to them and say ‘Doesn’t she have the most amazing eyes!’ And then throughout the transaction they keep complimenting my eyes. It happens roughly every 6 months and the woman is always completely random but damn I look forward to it, such a good confidence boost.  


Jaden-marie Browne: 

I was strangely pleased when someone complimented me on my use of fancy vocabulary and emojis at the same time.  

Fourth year Psychology student who reads way more than writes. Current Aberdeen PR sec.