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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.


  1. Just because you don’t succeed the first time around, that doesn’t mean you should give up. Failing doesn’t mean failure.
  2. Not everyone is going to like you. And guess what? That’s absolutely fine. Stop trying so hard to impress other people, and just be yourself. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.



  1. Hard work will eventually pay off.
  2. You don’t have to have everything figured out by a certain age. Take each day as it comes. Everything will eventually fall into place when it’s supposed to. Until then, just wing it.
  3. Having a dance party is the best way to alleviate stress. Put your favourite playlist on, turn the volume up, and never underestimate the power of music.


  1. Comparison really is the thief of joy. Everyone is different, and different is good.
  2. It is not selfish to prioritise your own mental and physical health. It’s okay to say ‘no’.
  3. Everybody needs kindness.
  4. You’re not going to be this age forever. You’re going to drink too much. You’re going to be late to that lecture. You’re going to call that person you said you’d never speak to again. But you’re only young once, so don’t be too hard on yourself.
  5. Don’t let anybody make you feel ashamed about what you’re passionate about.
  6. Social media can be toxic. Don’t trust everything you see on Instagram. Usually even the girl in the photo looks nothing like the girl in the photo.


  1. Make time for the people you care about. Your true friends will always have your back (and a bottle of wine).
  2. Self love takes time. Everybody has their own insecurities and embracing who you are won’t happen overnight.
  3. Travel as much as you can. Exploring a new country can open your eyes to so much and you’ll learn to appreciate things in a different light.

(Megan’s own image)

  1. Save, don’t spend. No, you don’t need to stop at Starbucks on the way home. You don’t need a new pair of shoes. Be rational, and save as much, or as little, as you can. You’ll thank yourself for it one day.
  2. Admit when you’re wrong. Don’t make excuses or let your stubbornness get the better of you. I hate to break it to you but you’re not always right.
  3. Don’t always believe the words “we’ll just have one drink”. Most of the time you’ll wake up the following day with the hangover from hell and a tonne of regrets.
  4. Alone doesn’t mean lonely. Whether you’re introverted or extroverted, spending time with yourself is super important and empowering.


  1. Time does heal. Be patient and trust that things will get better.
  2. Trust your gut instincts. They’re almost always right.


Emily Sullivan

Aberdeen '20

Vice President at HCAU xo Anthropology student at Aberdeen University.