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Isabelle Huller

NCSU '26

Isabelle Huller is a second-year student at North Carolina State University, pursuing a degree in International Business. She loves to write as it's an escape from the chaos of daily life and an outlet to get her thoughts onto paper. She writes about music, fashion, film/tv, and any relatable experiences or feelings.
She is in the International Business Dual Degree Program where she will study in Madrid for her last two years of undergrad. Professionally, her dream is to go into the marketing field for a magazine company or in the film industry as it would combine her love for writing/reading with her education.
Outside of schooling and writing her hobbies include (but are not limited to) photography, reading, rewatching comfort films/tv shows, hiking, crochet, painting, listening to vinyl/CDs, thrifting, and spending time with friends and family.