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A Girl’s Survival Guide: Combating Winter Sadness

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NCSU chapter.

Recently, I’ve had these birds living atop my room. Each morning I hear them chirping and watch them fly off their nest and into the world for the day. As soon as the sun begins to lower and glow with shades of pink, the birds return to their nest above me. I hear them only for a few moments until they go quiet and rest. This winter we should get rid of our preconceived notions and embody these birds–allowing ourselves time to relax. 

As the mid-winter months roll around, so does what everyone calls “seasonal depression” season. Personally, I don’t particularly like thinking of winter as a time to bathe in our own misery of the cold weather. Instead let’s embrace these quieter months while allowing ourselves to breathe and recharge. Especially as women our bodies and minds need time to rest and how perfect that the natural seasonal cycle allows us to do so. Today I’ve compiled a list of things to do in order to make these months a little warmer for our souls. 

Photo taken by author
  1. Light a candle, brew a cup of tea, and watch a comfort film.

Self-explanatory. Perhaps I’m just easy to please but this will do it for me. Honestly, even simply lighting a candle will fill me with joy. However, the three of these together = perfection. As of recently, I have been obsessing over green tea. I kid you not, my lunch for the past month has been a good old fashioned sandwich and a mug of green tea. It brings me so much happiness. In terms of a comfort film, choose something that will make you feel nostalgic and warm inside. The point is, during these winter months appreciating the small things is SO important. Once you learn to appreciate and be excited about the small things life will feel a whole lot lighter. 

  1. Journal.

I believe I began to keep a journal during quarantine because my mind was constantly stirring with thoughts and emotions. I just had this strong desire to put them down on paper. Journaling has saved me the heavy costs of going to therapy. My journals are regular composition books that I decorate with a collage of Pinterest photos to personalize it. For the past year I have followed the prompt of “write the magic of today”. Now the magic can be anything–an observation, something that made you happy, something that made you think, a fun outfit you wore, the music you listened to, a random thought, anything. This prompt has helped ground myself and truly has created a life of gratitude. But also sometimes I need to rant and have a brain dump and that’s also perfectly fine.

Photo taken by author
  1. Pick up a hobby.

Reading, writing, crochet, painting, cooking, baking, photography, playing dress-up, thrifting, playing an instrument, and even just exploring new music. In times when we can’t simply go outside and enjoy the nice weather, hobbies are key for self-growth and fulfillment. Also, having multiple hobbies adds a little more spice to your character (in my opinion). 

Photos taken by author
  1. Move your body. 

Exercise and stretch is so important for your health and will make you feel good throughout the winter. My 80-year old Grandmom recently gave me the advice that whenever you have an ache in your body it’s because you haven’t been exercising or stretching that part of your body sufficiently. Personally I love a good thorough stretch, Pilates, yoga, running, and occasional weight lifting. 

  1. Time with friends.

Friends are such an important part of college. My friends have become my family while away from home. It’s as simple as having dinner and conversing with each other. I appreciate all the moments and laughter with my friends. One of my 2024 resolutions is to be more thoughtful when it comes to friends so buy them flowers, cook dinner together, whatever it is, place your energy into the people you love. Winter is a time to be grateful for the people in your life. 

  1. Self-Care.

Lastly, take this time to take care of yourself. Run a bath, paint your nails, eat your favorite food, indulge, listen to your favorite song, and take a nap. Embrace how you change with the seasons and mostly embrace your solitude.


Photo taken by author

Overall, during these winter months realize that you will have days where you feel off. Let the tears wash over you. Let yourself be sad that you don’t feel great on a beautiful day. It’s okay. Just choose to exist for the day and move on the next. Winter should be a time of inner-healing and growth and we don’t have to make it months of “seasonal depression”.

Isabelle Huller is a second-year student at North Carolina State University, pursuing a degree in International Business. She loves to write as it's an escape from the chaos of daily life and an outlet to get her thoughts onto paper. She writes about music, fashion, film/tv, and any relatable experiences or feelings. She is in the International Business Dual Degree Program where she will study in Madrid for her last two years of undergrad. Professionally, her dream is to go into the marketing field for a magazine company or in the film industry as it would combine her love for writing/reading with her education. Outside of schooling and writing her hobbies include (but are not limited to) photography, reading, rewatching comfort films/tv shows, hiking, crochet, painting, listening to vinyl/CDs, thrifting, and spending time with friends and family.