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Ariana Villanueva

UPR '26

Ariana Villanueva is a writer at the Her Campus at UPR chapter. Her content creation focuses mainly on firsthand experiences, physical activity, and experimental fashion and even food!

Prior to Her Campus, she collaborated in her high school newspaper and for as long as she can remember she has been drafting short stories, pretend news reports, and even book reports, just for fun. Having the opportunity to share her writing, beyond a grade, has been a thrilling experience for her. She is currently attending the University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras campus, as a political science major , and she’s eager to explore more fields of study.

Ariana loves reading and spending time with friends. However, occasionally, she loves going on solo trips to the beach. Her biggest dream is to travel the world, and she’ll take her first step in accomplishing it by studying abroad very soon.