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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Howard chapter.

Journaling has a positive impact on your mental health. When you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious, journaling can be a great way to relieve that. It can make you more comfortable addressing your mental struggles. It is important to note that journaling is not a solution for everyone or a permanent solution– this is just a method to consider for ranting and writing down all of your thoughts and feelings when you don’t want or have anyone to talk to about it. 

Writing may also bring clarity. A great way to start is by looking up journaling prompts if you are having trouble. Here are a few prompts to get you started with self-discovery and reflection: 

  1. What values do you consider most important in life (honesty, justice, altruism, loyalty, etc.)? How do your actions align with those values?
  2. What three changes can you make to live according to your personal values?
  3. Describe yourself using the first 10 words that come to mind. Then, list 10 words that you’d like to use to describe yourself. List a few ways to transform those descriptions into reality.
  4. What do you appreciate most about your personality? What aspects do you find harder to accept?

These prompts are a great way to get started and familiarize yourself with the process. Exploring your values, opinions, and personality traits in writing can teach you more about who you are as a person. This in-depth reflection can strengthen not just the relationship you have with yourself, but also the connections you build with others.

It is important to commit yourself to a routine and really indulge in the process. To get started, find time in your day where you can sit in a comfortable environment with no distractions. Once you are in that space, gather a pen and paper, get into a clear mindset, and start writing.

My name is Myracle Miller and I am a junior political science major, economics minor from Houston, Texas. I enjoy reading and occasionally doing yoga in my free time.