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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

Bums are the new boobs and we all know it. If you want your bum to be pert and peachy it’s time to start working for it! The most important things to remember when working on your bum are: persistence, patience, protein, and practice. You aren’t going to look completely different over night; you have to feed your bum with high-protein foods if you want it to grow; and you definitely have to make sure you are doing every exercise properly to avoid injury. Try out some of the exercises below and see which feels best for you. Pick your favourites, and do 4 or 5 repetitions of them for 4 sets each. This should take you about an hour.

Squats, squats and more squats

Squats are renowned for toning your bum, but if you aren’t doing them properly it’s unlikely that you’ll notice results, and could even be doing more harm than good. Your feet should be shoulder width apart and your heels flat on the floor. Your spine should be straight and neutral, your chest pushed forward, and your knees should never pass your toes. If you are feeling discomfort when squatting STOP and reassess how you can improve your form.

There are plenty of variations for squats. First, squat with no weights until you are happy with your form. Then, move on to try a goblet squat; hold a kettlebell by the handles close to your chest and squat down as far as you can. Remember to keep your chest and head up, and your back straight. The weight of the kettlebell will depend on your personal strength so start light, and increase the weight when you feel like you can.

Working at the squat rack

Like any muscle, you need to keep upping the resistance if you want your glutes to grow. Working on a squat rack, with a bar and weight plates, can allow you to build up your strength each time you work out. Start with no weight at all on the bar, and do 10 reps to warm up. Afterwards, add a light plate of equal weight to either side of the bar, and see how many you can do. Always push to do as many reps as you can – don’t set a specific number in mind and restrict yourself! You should always have to work hard for that last rep. If you can do 8-10 reps on a certain weight then it may be time to swap the plates for heavier ones.

Weighted glute bridge

You can do a glute bridge by lying flat on the ground (preferably on a yoga mat for comfort), with your hands by your sides and your knees bent. Extend your hips vertically by pushing upwards with your bum as far as you can and squeeze. Return to starting position and repeat. To really make the glute bridge worthwhile, and your bum extra peachy, add weight. You can use a barbell, but I tend to find this uncomfortable on my hip bones, so a flat weight plate can also work.

Donkey kicks

You can do donkey kicks either on the floor without a machine, or using the Smith machine to make it a little harder with weights. Start on all fours, with your spine neutral and your hands and knees shoulder width apart. Raise your right leg upwards towards the ceiling as far as you can until your foot is directly above your bum. Squeeze your glutes as you do so, repeat 15 times, and then swap to the other leg. If you are using a Smith machine with this exercise, simply place the bottom of your foot against the bar, push upwards and lower down steadily. Increase the weight when you think it is necessary.

Squat pulse

Squat down with your toes turned out slightly with your back straight. Stay in the squat position and pulse up and down, lowering your bum. Do this ten times or so before relaxing and standing.

Walking lunges

Begin standing with your feet shoulder width apart. Take one step forward, flexing your knee and pressing down into your hips until your rear knee is an inch from the ground. Your posture should remain upright, with your knee above your foot. Stand upright and repeat, this time bringing the other leg forward to step. Keep doing this until you have lunged with each leg 10 times. You can hold dumbbells in both hands to make this more difficult.

Glute pushdowns

Using the assisted pull-up machine, place one foot in the center of the pad, grab onto both handles, and drive the pad down with your heel so that you feel it in your glutes. Slowly bring your leg back up, and push down again. Do this 15 times on each leg. To decide which weight to select, have a few practices using different weights and see which you think it manageable, yet still challenging. This will depend on your own bodyweight and strength.

Edited by: Amy Hawthorne


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