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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pace Pleasantville chapter.

That’s it guys, we did it. Somehow we managed to come out alive of MIDTERMS WEEK!

Even though we all have our own ways of getting by, I can say that my week was a bit hectic. From pulling all-nighters, to meeting up with study groups early in the morning, to even making endless outlines to memorize. I can say, without an unreasonable doubt that my brain is 100% fried to the max. 

All-nighters have shown me how far I can push my body to run on little amounts of energy, even though it is not healthy for me at all. Then, to take that little bit of energy and meet early morning with study groups that would require more energy from me. To be honest I do not think I could count the amount of notes, outlines and hours I made or even spent on midterms alone. 

However, I am not just going to sit here and complain to you guys. For it being my first semester in college, having to deal with my first set of midterms. I truly believe that it could’ve gone a lot worse. 

Being able to try different study techniques allowed me to connect more with people that i have never spoken to in my classes. I had the opportunity to share my knowledge to help others benefit from what I know. I was even able to see how far i can push myself to retain 9 chapters worth of information.

I am going to be honest with you guys. Midterms or any exam week is a chance to network and expand. Do not isolate yourself in thinking that being alone will help you focus better. No need to over stress yourself. Just grab some coffee or a cup of tea, some chocolate (to get the brain cells working) and open a book and read. Share your knowledge with others and help yourself in helping others. 

Believe it or not we deserve all the goodies in the world right now. Because from what I heard midterms was not an easy week for none of us.

But its over now, lets get ready for finals!

Pearl Luciano

Pace Pleasantville '22

Hi I’m Pearl Luciano. I am a political science major. I like sports and reading.