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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

Self-care is the new cool. You’ll see a lot of people posting about it post-breakup, and you’ve probably seen several stories talking about burn-out. Today we’ll look at several activities that you can partake in (if you don’t already!) that will lead to a more satisfied, more relaxed, and definitely happier you!  


1)    Latte-of-fun: Coffee breaks. If you’re a student like me, you probably love a cup (or several) of coffee or tea. Whatever your beverage of choice, grab a cup, settle down with some relaxing music or a book, and just bask in the aroma of the caffeine. If you’re trying to be budget friendly, check out this fun tutorial to make a latte right in your kitchen:



2)    You Gotta Meditate: Have you ever tried yoga? Or just set aside some time to meditate? Maybe you’re like me and haven’t really given it much thought, or were too lazy to check out the classes offered at your local gym. Hey, we get it. It’s so far away! Never fear, because I have some apps that you can check out:




My favorite is the Headspace app (ideal for Newbies) which features a free trial, as well as fun animations to keep you involved.


3)    Hit That Cardio: If meditation isn’t your forte, maybe spend a little time at the gym engaging in cardio or some exercise that is bound to get your heart racing. You’ll not only feel refreshed, but your body’s hormones will be firing away, thus releasing healthy chemicals to keep you feeling good all day long. If you don’t believe me, check out this article covering the effect self-care behaviors can have on Type 2 Diabetes:



4)    Goodbye Insta: If you’re like me, you probably have three pages of social media apps and are involved with a ton of platforms. Sometimes the best self-care routine starts with isolating yourself from these platforms for a while – a temporary break or even a month-long break depending on personal preference. This can be beneficial, especially since these platforms have a tendency to make us feel bad about ourselves, or even to make us feel like we have to live up to a certain standard (how many times have we all been envious of someone’s parfait that they just posted on their story?). Log out, and get a parfait. Treat yourself, re-energize, and then log back on when you’ve given yourself the time that you deserve. For those that want to learn more about some potential detrimental effects social media can have on self-esteem, check out this article:



5)    Tone It Down: Have you felt yourself burning-out? You’re tired, drained, and you’re starting to lose interest? Well that’s a real thing, my friend. Burn-out may be affecting you. This is when you should start to tone down some activities, take a lighter course-load, or even start to say no to certain plans. The #FOMO might be real, but put your needs first, and never neglect your mental-health (or physical health for that matter). This will impact how you do academically, socially, and your all-around performance. Being overwhelmed isn’t the best feeling in the world, which is why it’s best to start making some changes. Again, this is crucial to your self-care, and if you need motivation on how to start, check out this Forbes article:



You might’ve already been doing these things, or you might be more driven to start. Whatever the case may be, everyone should put their needs first from time to time, learn to listen to their body, and engage with how they feel. This can be healthy and prevent burn-out. This will allow us all to function well, live better, and enhance the quality of our social relationships. Take a little you time now and then. You deserve it after all! :)


This is an anonymous account hosted by our team mascot, Morty the Monkey. This article was written by a UWindsor student.