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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Welcome to finals week, the most stressful time of the year. With exams, projects, and essays (oh my!), it may seem as though home is so close, yet so far away. There is a lot that you should be doing this week, but there is also a lot you should NOT be doing. Read this article for a list of 5 things you should avoid doing this finals week and why! 

1. Stress

Seems impossible, I know. Dealing with stress during this week is inevitable, but just try to make sure you aren’t stressing too much. At the end of the day, it is important to remember that you are trying your best and to consider your mental health here. One grade does not define you. 

2. Netflix

Maybe now isn’t the time to start a new Netflix show to binge or download TikTok as a joke and then stumble down a dark hole of social media madness. Keep your eyes on the prize. Creating these distractions for yourself will just make you more stressed and anxious, and then you will violate the first tip in this article! Full circle, huh.

3. Not sleeping

I know it seems like a good idea to cram for an exam, drink lots of coffee, and pull an all-nighter. But trust me, it’s not. Lack of sleep will actually cause you to not absorb any information at all. A good night’s rest will allow you to ace those exams in flying colors. 

4. Procrastinate

I am a victim of procrastination, and it can seem impossible to resist. I recommend creating a system of breaks that will allow you to be productive when you need to be. Tell yourself that if you study for 20 minutes you can be on your phone for 10, etc. This will allow you to put your all into those 20 minutes with a nice reward at the end. Discipline, people. It works.

5. Binge-drink coffee

Yes, you can and you should have a little bit of coffee during finals week, but don’t overdo it. Coffee can increase the stress and anxiety you are feeling and can also actually make you more tired. Coffee dehydrates the body and the brain. Trust me, water is a great alternative.

Good luck everybody! YOU GOT THIS.

Photo 1 | Photo 2 | Photo 3 | Photo 4 | Photo 5 

Micayla Shevlin

Illinois '21

Micayla is a junior at the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign. She is currently an Advertising major and has loved writing short stories and poetry ever since she was little.
The official page for the University of Illinois Her Campus chapter.