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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

There is so much going on in the world around us these days. We are having to learn how to live our “normal” lives while the pandemic changes so much of it. School, work, and our other responsibilities are taxing enough, but adding the pandemic into the mix makes everything that much more stressful. If you’ve been having a hard time balancing everything, you are not alone. A lot of us have been feeling some burnout these days and it’s completely normal.

Burnout is exhaustion that can be caused by physical, emotional, or mental stress. It makes you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet continuous demands. The more stressed you start to feel, the less motivation you have to complete your tasks. It may even cause you to become irritable or resentful. This can affect any part of your life, including school, relationships, and work. While it can be hard to overcome, it’s important to recognize that you are struggling and find ways to lessen your stress to get through it.

Once you’ve recognized that you’re dealing with burnout, it’s important to find outlets to decrease your stress. First of all, try to remove as much negativity from your day-to-day life as possible. Focus on positive thoughts and positive people that can help reduce your negativity. Venting to friends is another great way to get things off your mind and maybe even relate to one another. It is also extremely important that you balance your responsibilities. Set aside time specifically for school that is independent of work or social activities, that way everything has its assigned time and you don’t feel too overwhelmed with tasks. Lastly, it’s also important that your body is healthy so that your mind can be. Try exercising and incorporating a healthy diet to increase your energy and improve your mood.

I have really been struggling with burnout recently, so much so that I had trouble writing this article. There’s just so much going on in the world and it feels like the work keeps piling up, but I decided to take a break for a few days where I didn’t do much except relax and spend time with friends, and then I got back into working on assignments and organizing my responsibilities. It’s important to take time for yourself in order to be your best self.

Remember that everyone can struggle with burnout, and you aren’t alone! The world is so chaotic these days that it’s important we try to manage our stress as best as we can. You got this!

Madison Hoad

George Mason University '23

Madison is currently a junior on the Pre-Nursing track, minoring in both Psychology and Forensic Science. Her goal is to become either a surgical or forensic nurse. When Madison isn't studying, you can find her running, watching Netflix, grabbing Chipotle with friends, or exploring DC!
George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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