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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

For some of us, returning to your hometown for a few months after being on campus is a huge transition. It can take a toll on your mental health and may prevent you from enjoying the break away from school. Here are a few reminders going into the warm weather that could serve as an aide during the time spent back in your hometown!

  1. Practice Self Care

Take yourself out on a date! Even if you would consider yourself an extrovert, it is also beneficial to reserve a small amount of time to dedicate to your growth as an individual. Determining how much time alone you need is the initial step. From there, smaller activities can range from reflection and meditation to journaling or listening to music. Larger amounts of time can be put towards getting lunch at your favorite restaurant or going to the mall for some retail therapy.

  1. Get A Job

Working at a part-time job is a great way to get out of your house for a few hours and earn money at the same time! Although the promise of more money is appealing, make sure not to overwork yourself! Being stressed out at your job would defeat the purpose of getting out of your house due to stress and anxiety. 

  1. Save Time for Your Friends

Self care and alone time is always healthy with a balance of social activity. Whether that is hosting a sleepover or just hanging out around people that make you happy, summertime is meant to be spent with your friends! Reserving quality time towards the people you love shows that you care and support them even when there are busy schedules to consider. 

  1. Pick Up a New Hobby

Extra points if it’s something away from your phone! A few ideas I would suggest are making jewelry, starting a small business and journaling. Essentially any activities which bring you comfort and peace would be perfect to incorporate in your day-to-day life! This doesn’t have to end after break either, and you can bring that hobby with you to campus.

  1. Exercise

This includes hot girl walks, hot girl bike rides and hot girl yoga! If you have the budget to do so I recommend buying a gym membership for the summer. There is a wide range of equipment to use and the investment of money might motivate you to consistently work out. Form your own schedule and activities based on what fits your abilities, and don’t forget to stay hydrated!

Even though the summer is meant for productivity and regrouping before the new school year, it is important to take a step back occasionally and participate in self-care and wellness activities. I hope your summer will be filled with lots of rest and love!

Writer, advocate and friend to all dogs. I am my own comedian as well as a coffee shop enthusiast. In my free time, I enjoy playing Animal Crossing and listening to Spotify's "Pollen" playlist!