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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

I am tired of constantly doubting myself. Not smart enough, not pretty enough, not good enough, etc. I am the one causing this never-ending negativity in my life! Maybe the reason why I don’t always feel so confident is because I am constantly putting myself down. So now, I have decided it is time to start treating myself the way I deserve. The impactful words that I keep telling myself over and over in my head are essentially what I am projecting into the world. Just a simple change of a mindset means all the difference with the law of attraction and here is why.

Affirmations are a very powerful tool, if used properly. The more you repeat your personalized affirmations the more you will start to truly believe them. This is exactly why it is very harmful to put yourself down continually because you are only projecting this wrongful image of yourself out into the world. Instead, you can start by choosing a few aspects that you want to change in your life. The only rule is that these affirmations should be positive! Try “I am beautiful” or “I am worthy”. Repeat these every morning in your mirror while you get ready for the day or maybe even before you go to bed. 

If you are able to start off your day with uplifting thoughts towards yourself, then you have the ability to begin radiating with confidence. And believe it or not, confidence attracts. Whether you are trying to find a job, impress your crush, or make new friends, confidence can immediately set you apart from the rest. And you deserve to feel confident in yourself!

The amazing part is, affirmations can be incorporated into many parts of life. Stressed the morning of an exam? Try to ease your nerves by repeating to yourself that you are smart and prepared. Scared to go to a job interview? You tell yourself that they would be so lucky to have you and you are very deserving of it. Confidence could make or break many different situations in life. 

These affirmations are essentially self-empowerment. By creating and repeating your positive affirmations, you are attracting the goals you want to achieve. Just think, it is really hard to accomplish your dreams if you are always doubting yourself.

Some may argue that words don’t make a difference. Yes, you still have to study for exams. You cannot just say affirmations to get an A. But, affirmations can help to relieve some stress in any area and who doesn’t want that? Next time you are feeling a little down, try to give this a shot!

Ava Derasmo

Bucknell '26

Ava is a Biology major on the Pre Physicians Assistant Track from Ocean, New Jersey who loves to spend time at the beach in the summer and snowboard in the winter.