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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

I have a love-hate relationship with the gym. I love how I feel after a good workout, but convincing myself to make the trek all the way to the Nat is an uphill battle. To be honest, getting to the gym isn’t even the biggest struggle; planning workouts and actually finishing them is another problem. Ninety percent of the time, I prefer eating in my bed instead.


1. Do I really need to go workout? Carbs aren’t really that bad for you, are they?


2. If I walk there, I can cut 20 minutes out of my cardio, right?


3. I made it, let’s do this!


4. Game plan: I’m going to do an hour of cardio and switch to lifting after.


5. Wow, that girl next to me is running so fast.


6. Is it normal to be this sweaty? Can anyone tell that I haven’t run in a while?


7. Okay, maybe only 45 minutes of cardio. Or 30…



9. It’s finally over. I thought it’d never end!


10. *Crawls over to pick up the rag to wipe the machine down* *Crawls back*


11. Time to head to the weight room.


12. The weight room is terrifying. Can someone hold my hand?


13. Those are some heavy weights.




15. She looks like she knows what she’s doing. I’ll copy her.


16. Why has that person been on the one machine I want to use for the past 25 minutes?


17. Okay, just two more sets.


18. Can everyone hear my heart beating? Am I dying?




20. Who’s coming to carry me home now that I’m done?                       


Convincing yourself to go to the gym is always a little harder than it should be, especially when there’s an option to just go home and snack in bed. No matter how hard it is for you to get to the gym and get your workout in, just do it. You’ll always feel better once it’s done.

I'm a junior at the University of Wisconsin Madison studying Neurobiology and Global Health. After graduation I hope to go to medical school and work with the World Health Organization. When I'm not cramming to catch up in classes, you can find me watching late night re-runs. I love to go hiking with my dog, prefer tea over coffee, and will never turn down a chance to go makeup shopping.