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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

A new work week may come with stressors and oh-so-dreaded responsibilities, but that does not mean it can’t be a time for incorporating self-love and improvement. It can be beneficial and exciting to start the week open to trying new things, or even try to experience old things in new ways. The following things have been advantageous to me. These five things can be effective in giving your mental, physical and emotional health a boost. I challenge you to try these five things and start this week looking forward to all things new and old.


Drink More Water

Once you put sugary drinks to the side, you will realize how much better you feel. Try exchanging your soda for a water or tea. If you struggle to drink water because it lacks flavor, I recommend adding sugar-free flavoring or infusing it with fruit, which adds further benefits.

Make Time for Meaningful Things

You may have a busy week ahead. Setting aside time to see people you care about and do something that makes you happy is an effective break from the stress the week can bring. Make time to go out to lunch with friends or read that book you’ve been eyeing.

Slow Down

Try mindfulness practices such as meditation. They can help you feel in the moment and more focused. Something as simple as 10 minutes of meditation a day can help to eliminate the feeling of “brain fog”. Meditation can be difficult and is a skill that is improved with practice. So, if you struggle to clear your head at first do not be alarmed. Headspace is a convenient app that reminds you to complete 10 minutes of mindfulness practice a day. It is perfect for those who are new to mindfulness practices and those with a hectic schedule. Your mind will thank you for finding a few minutes to slow down.

Express your Emotions

Be open and accepting of your emotions. Suppressing emotions can have long-term negative effects, so be upfront with them. Don’t be afraid to feel the positive and negative emotions life throws at you. Talking with a friend or any individual about how you genuinely feel is relieving and helps organize your thoughts.

Get Active

During a busy week, making time for your physical health can be challenging. Try to incorporate time for working out and stretching. Even going to the gym as few as two times a week is shown to have health benefits. Stretching helps improve flexibility and energizes the body. It can also act as a mindfulness exercise. There are endless benefits and your body will appreciate the TLC. One stretch that is a nice start is called the spinal twist:

Image Sources: GIFs from Giphy.com

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