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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.


(Photo courtesy of favim.com)

Going to the gym and being fit is something that has become a trend in the 20th century. Lately, if you don’t go to the gym it almost seems as though you’re breaking a social norm.

I became super into working out around two years ago. After about a year, I found myself interested in exploring the fitness world online. Going to the gym quickly became a hobby and I was obsessed with breaking a sweat. I began researching innovative workout equipment and how I could make my time at the gym more productive. After a couple days of research, I discovered the world of workout protein.

(photo courtesy of bodybuilding.com)



Before searching the web, I assumed protein was for men who wanted to look like Hulk Hogan. But boy, was I wrong. I learned that protein can be used for many more reasons than bulking up. It can be used for faster muscle recovery and even weight loss for girls.

After consistently working out every week, I desired to slim down in order to show off my body that I had been working at for two years and I was desperate for results. I did research on all the protein brands available for women and I picked one.

I cannot 100 percent say that protein is the whole reason that my body has changed for the better. I can say, though, that protein motivates me to go to the gym because I honestly feel like I have a better chance of getting results. I may be a victim of convincing myself a product works when it really doesn’t but I still faithfully drink my protein. Protein gives me body confidence because it reminds me of how hard I work in the gym and in my head, it works as a reward for me after I workout. I really do believe that protein helps my muscles recover and gives me more energy the next day.

(Photo courtesy of tumblr.com)



In all honesty, protein makes me feel more legitimate in the gym and makes me look like I know what I’m doing during my workout (even when I don’t). Some of my reasons for using protein may be juvenile but I can safely say that workout protein has indeed upped my gym game AND I have seen a significant difference in body results ever since I began using this magic mix. So, therefore, my question is: why not use workout protein?

A student at EW Scripps School of Journalism '20.
Just a quirky fashion journalist trying to get it right!