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10 Healthy Snacks at Common Ground

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.
If you’re in college, you probably know the struggle of trying to find healthy foods to eat. Especially when you’re stuck on a meal plan, getting truly clean foods into your diet is not always easy or affordable. Luckily, there are places close to campus, like Common Ground, that sell healthy and delicious food for reasonable prices.


Less than two miles from the heart of campus, Common Ground is a co-op grocery store dedicated to providing healthy, sustainable foods to the community. As a co-op, this store is owned by community members who buy a $60 share and are then able to run for the store’s board and get special owner deals. Eating healthy, (whether you’re vegan, vegetarian, or just cleaning up your diet), is never cheap, but Common Ground has new sales every Wednesday that make your healthy lifestyle more affordable.

Here are ten healthy snacks you can buy at Common Ground:

1. Alive & Radiant Kale Krunch chips. In the mood for something cheesy? These kale chips are raw, gluten free, soy free, dairy free, and completely vegan. The “cheese” flavor comes from a blend of cashews, red peppers, and nutritional yeast, but your taste buds will never know the difference! We all know the amazing health benefits (like vitamin K, calcium, and antioxidants) kale gives us and these chips are a yummy way to get your daily dose. 


2. Field Day Organic Instant Oatmeal. If you want a slightly more filling snack, this oatmeal is the way to go. Made from organic, rolled oats and flaxseed, this snack is 100% vegan and delicious. Adding oatmeal to your regular diet gives you more fiber and breaks down slowly during the day (which means long lasting energy that could save you from needing that mid-afternoon trip to Starbucks). 

3. Larabar. If you don’t have time to sit down for a snack, Larabars are a healthy, on-the-go choice. Coming in a range of flavors, from the delicious “cherry pie” to the cult classic “cashew cookie”, these gluten free bars boast no more than nine ingredients. Lately, many popular protein bars have been proven to be about as healthy as candy, but Larabar’s commitment to natural, minimally processed ingredients makes them a stellar option.


4. Beanitos Original Black Bean Chips. You’ve heard of potato chips, corn chips, and tortilla chips, but now get ready for the snack that’s taking the chip world by storm–bean chips! Packed with protein and fiber, you don’t need to feel guilty about grabbing a handful (or three) of these crunchy chips to satisfy your salty cravings.

5. MaraNatha Almond Butter. Everyone’s heard of the basic apple and peanut butter snack, but elevate that tired staple to a new level by introducing it to almond butter! It has more minerals, fiber, and healthy fat than peanut butter with the same rich taste. According to Livestrong, almond butter has “5 grams per tablespoon [of health fats] versus 3.3 grams-per-tablespoon in peanut butter.” Grab this jar at Common Ground and see the magic for yourself.


6. Cascadian Farm Organic Frozen Blueberries. Frozen fruit is the ultimate college hack. Studies show that you can freeze fruits like blueberries without losing any of their antioxidants, and frozen fruit lasts much longer than fresh fruit which means you get more bang for your buck. This versatile snack can be thrown in your smoothies and yogurt or it can be eaten straight out of the bag. 


7. Fage Total 0% Greek Yogurt. If you’re craving a creamy snack, this greek yogurt will hit the spot. Fat free and gluten free, one container will give you 36% of your daily protein needs, but it’s so rich that you’ll feel like you’re eating something much more decadent. To really treat yourself, drizzle on honey and fresh fruit for a healthy dessert!


8. Gimme Organic Roasted Seaweed. This one is for all you sushi lovers! The great thing about this brand of seaweed is that it only has three ingredients–organic seaweed, organic sunflower oil, and sea salt–unlike other brands that turn their “healthy” seaweed into salt bombs. Next time you’re craving something salty, put down the chips (unless they’re bean chips) and reach for this superfood snack instead.


9. Kevita Sparkling Probiotic Drink. If you have never tried a probiotic drink before, do your body (and taste buds) a favor by starting with this one. According to MindBodyGreen, probiotics “add friendly bacteria to your digestive system” and maintain healthy PH levels in your body. The spicy ginger and tart lemon in the bottle pictured makes this particular flavor a super refreshing choice (for more information on Kevita probiotics, check out this great article).

10. Go Raw Sprouted Cookies. When your sweet tooth rears its ugly head, put down the chocolate chip cookies and pick up this healthier alternative. These organic cookies have only four ingredients–coconut, sesame seeds, dates, and ginger–and with an 18 cookie serving size you can allow yourself to binge eat these guilt free.

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