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5 Journal Prompts For The Sagittarius Full Moon

Spring is now in full bloom as the full moon in Sagittarius, also known as the “Lucky Flower Moon,” approaches. On May 23 at 9:53 a.m. EST, the ninth Zodiac sign will rise on the same axis as Gemini. This occurs just as we enter this cosmic season and will continue to blossom through May 25. As summer soon approaches, everything is aligning perfectly. The Full Flower Moon, happening during peak spring, reminds us to stop and embrace the moment, like blooming flowers.

The moon’s phases represent different stages in how people blossom into themselves, whether it is through their actions or feelings. And full moons mark a time of immense change. A new moon is meant to set new intentions while a full moon makes those manifestations materialize. During a full moon phase, sit with the fullness of your emotions, reflect on your journey so far, and listen to whatever message your intuition is trying to tell you.

Sagittarius is a fire sign known to be curious and seek the truth. During this mid-May full moon in Sagittarius, it’s important to be patient before the moment is right as it’s a space for reflecting deeply and growing on a personal level. This is a perfect time to journal all of your spiritual and emotional needs as the full moon opens your heart and mind to healing, so here are five full moon in Sagittarius journal prompts to help you really blossom into yourself.

Are there parts of yourself you’ve been suppressing?

There is no question that there are so many things happening in our world right now. It can be a bit overwhelming to really ground yourself in this time, let alone self-express. Full moons in Sagittarius urge us to step outside our comfort zones and consider global perspectives. How can we use our voice and knowledge to shed light on important stories worldwide? Reflect on the narratives shaping your identity and perception.

What does being genuine mean to me?

The full moon is a great time to think about the stories we tell ourselves about who we are and our place within the world. You might feel like expressing yourself most truly, but also wonder if your most authentic self can achieve your dreams. Where do I feel most myself, and where do I find it hard to be true to who I am?

What can I do to get past my fears and believe in myself?

Now’s the time to explore what makes you tick and confront your fears head-on. Though change can be daunting, it’s a chance to challenge inherited beliefs and reevaluate how you approach your life. What dreams do I hold back on because of self-doubt or fear? How can I trust myself more to chase my dreams?

How can I strengthen my connection with my inner voice?

During this phase, gut instincts and your intuition can be eerily accurate. Keeping this in mind, it might be the best time to trust in the wisdom of your intuition to navigate life’s uncertainties. How can I align my actions more closely with my inner values and truths?

What can I do to start discovering and changing myself?

Ultimately, the full moon in Sagittarius illuminates hidden truths, giving room for self-discovery. It’s about finding what needs attention and care in our lives. Where do I want to grow? What am I learning now, and how can I use it to develop personally?

The Sagittarius full moon encourages you to listen to yourself and live more genuinely. It reminds you that there are many paths ahead, bringing hope for the future. This full moon can make you feel stronger, help you heal, and bring changes. You might have a new understanding of your journey and how much you’ve grown. It’s a chance to reclaim your strength and celebrate your progress.

Lily Brown

Emerson '25

Lily Brown is the Wellness Intern for Her Campus Media. She writes for the Culture, Style, and Wellness verticals on the site, including Beauty, Decor, Digital, Entertainment, Experiences, Fashion, Mental Health, and Sex + Relationships coverage. Beyond Her Campus, Lily is a senior at Emerson College in Boston, MA, majoring in Journalism with a Publishing minor. She works as the Creative Director for the on-campus lifestyle publication, Your Magazine, where she establishes and curates the conceptual design and content for the entire publication ranging from style, romance, music, pop culture, personal identity, and college experiences. She has written and photographed for Your Mag along with several other on-campus magazines. Lily was recently recognized for her work on YM and awarded two EVVYs for Outstanding Print Publication. In her free time, Lily maybe spends a little too much time keeping a close eye on captivating red carpet and runway fashion, and binge-watching her favorite shows. She also enjoys expressing her thoughts through creative writing, exploring new destinations, and blasting Chappell Roan, Childish Gambino, Harry Styles, Sabrina Carpenter, and Sun Room on Spotify.