October may be the start of cuffing season, but it’s also an important month when it comes to mental health. Along with being Depression Awareness Month, October is home to World Mental Health Day — a time to highlight mental health initiatives, as well as destigmatizing mental health stories and resources. And, this year, Calm and Match are teaming up to offer an exclusive program (and some amazing deals) to show their support of World Mental Health Day.
On Oct. 10, the popular mindfulness app, Calm, partnered with the dating app Match (formerly Match.com) for World Mental Health Day. Starting on Oct. 10, Calm is offering 40% off its Calm Premium subscription, and Match is offering 40% off a subscription for new members. Additionally, the brands partnered up to launch five new (and free) full-length Calm sessions that are designed to ease you into the practice of self-love.
“There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to self-love,” Chris Mosunic, Clinical Psychologist and Calm’s Chief Clinical Officer tells Her Campus. “For one person, it might look like saying ‘no’ instead of ‘yes,’ or carving out a moment for self-care even when time feels stretched. For another person, the action of self-love might translate into starting the day with meditation or limiting screen time. Start with thinking of what is the one thing you can do every day for yourself.”
The new modules include:
- Self-Love Bomb with Jeff Warren; Learn the art of self-compassion
- Kindness Towards Yourself with Dr. Lopez
- Love In, Love Out Daily Move with Mel Mah
- Radical Self-Compassion with Tara Brach; Loving ourselves into healing
- Generative Sleep YouTube Room
match and calm’s World Mental Health Day collaboration seeks to make self-love a habit.
World Mental Health Day wasn’t the only reason for this new partnership. In Match’s 2022 “Singles in America” study, the brand found that two in three singles want to improve their mental health. Additionally, the study also found how self-love practices can decrease anxiety and depression, and increase optimism and connectedness in relationships.
The partnership between Match and Calm also aims to make self-love a regular practice, or a habit, amongst singles and couples alike. “The aim is to commit and recommit to the act of self-love every day until it becomes a habit,” Mosunic says. “And when we begin to see self-love as a daily practice that deserves prioritizing, the act of loving yourself does get easier.”
So, this Mental Health Day, do something kind for yourself and download the Calm app to check out these new self-love modules (and sign up for a discounted subscription while you’re at it). And then, once you’ve made self-love a habit, consider signing yourself up for Match, too — because we all deserve to share the love.